Cԋαρƚҽɾ 46: Rιԃҽ Aɳԃ Sʅιԃҽ

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April 27, 1995

"Something came in the mail for you today." Ranae's father said, handing her the really small box before exiting her room. He had to get to work quick fast and in a hurry.

Ranae furrowed her brows as she held the package, feeling light as a feather, a bit worried about what might be inside. She didn't remember ordering anything but she figured Jarvis must be surprising her with another gift.

She ripped the box open, and raised her brow at the small black ring box. It was a piece of paper folded up next to it and she debated which to observe first. Her hand went to the box first, quickly scooping it out and opening it.

She raised her brows and gasped at the engagement ring, glistening and sitting pretty, covered with diamonds. Her heart race sped up a bit at this sudden surprise, this was what she least expected though.

She examined the ring, taking it out of the box with a shocked expression. Ranae didn't know if she was ready for marriage, she still feel that's she a bit young. This was so sudden to her, but first thing first, she needed to know just who this came from. Who could be sending her s ring out of nowhere?

Grabbing the piece of paper a lot quicker than the ring, she unfolded it and noticed how long this letter was. She furrowed her eyebrows once again, seeing how familiar this handwriting looked.

Dear Ranae, I know I should be the last one asking for favors,
but please do me a favor read this whole letter. This was the
only way I could get into contact with you, seeing that you
changed ya number and everything. That engagement ring came
from me, Devante. I had it in a safe place for over a year now,
willing to propose to you before everything went downhill. I
just wanted you to know that I've genuinely changed over the
year. I could prove it instead of just writing it but as you can tell,
I can't seem to cross paths with you at the moment. I miss you,
more and more everyday. I still love you—

Ranae didn't even finish the bull crap letter, she bawled the paper up and shook her head, tears building up in her eyes. Here she goes again, crying over a simple letter that came from him. It just rubbed her the wrong way to see he's still trying to get her attention. He clearly hasn't gotten the memo.

She should've knew this would happen soon, just a couple days ago, her coworkers notified her about him popping up at her job. He was looking for her but luckily she wasn't there that day, only De knows what he would've tried to pull had he ran into Ranae. All of this was just putting her on edge once again.

Next it'll be her front door he pops up at, she knew how bold he could be, and that scared her.

She sniffled and glanced down at the ring on her bed, before picking it up and placing it back in the box. She stood from her bed and walked out the room, ready to head to the kitchen to get rid of this.

As she turned the corner, the front door opened, immediately startling her. She stood there, hearing her heart thump in her chest as Jarvis walked completely in.

She sighed in relief but was still shook up "You scared me." She said with a shaky voice.

"Sorry, ya pops forgot to lock the door. I seen him coming out." He chuckled and did a double take, noticing Ranae's broken expression "Baby what's wrong, why you crying?" He asked, holding her chin up to examine her face.

Ranae looked down at everything in her hands "I was about to throw all of this away, it come from De." She told him truthfully.

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