Cԋαρƚҽɾ 52:

638 42 73

November 12, 1995
1:38 a.m.

Stepping out of the car as fast as she could, Ranae held her stomach as her nerves skyrocketed. The whole drive to the hospital, she wasn't able to think straight. Her mind was all over the place including her emotions, thinking of worst case scenarios. When she got the call about Jarvis getting into a car crash, she went into shock, and that feeling never left her since she left the house.

She wanted this to be a fever dream so bad.

Walking towards the entrance of the hospital, her heart continued to beat a rapid pace, she could literally hear it in her ears and that was becoming concerning. She was just terrified of what she could be walking into.

Entering the doors, she didn't bother to look around, just rushed up to the clerks desk for information "Ranae." She heard her name before she could even speak. Turning around she saw Jarvis' younger brother, Jonathan with a broken expression.

"What happened?? Where is he??" She asked, panicking all over again.

He sighed "All we know right now, is that he got into a bad car accident, the nurses haven't came back out after that." He told her, clearly annoyed with all the waiting.

"What? How long have y'all been waiting here? Why aren't they telling y'all anything?" She asked question after question, growing frustrated and scared at the same time "Do y'all even know if he's alive??"

"I hope so, but you need to calm down and not stress the baby out." He told her, noticing Ranae holding her chest.

Her face fell and she could feel even more tears building up "This is all my fault." Her voice cracked.

"It's not."

"No. Absolutely not." They both heard a voice and looked over to see Jarvis' mother, Tanya with an unpleasant look on her face "Your the last person I wanna see right now, you need to leave." She ordered Ranae.

Ranae was taken back by the attitude, especially at a time like this "Why would I need to leave? I'm here for Jarvis just like you are."

"Don't give me that, you're the reason he's laid up in the hospital right now!" She semi yelled, catching the attention of a few people in the waiting room "I'm sick of this innocent act you've been trying to fool people with for the past months, using my son as a distraction just because you can't seem to move past whoever the hell you was messing around with. He don't deserve this! You stayed picking fights with him and now look where he's at!" Tanya spat.

"Chill out mama, we don't need this right now."

"Don't tell me what to do Jonathan, I don't even know why you called her up here anyway. She already done pissed him off, you really think he wants to see her right now!" She argued and all he could do was sigh.

Ranae was both upset and hurt that Tanya was speaking down on her like this. This is someone she's known since she was a kid, and should know that Ranae would never have any cruel intentions when it comes to Jarvis. For her to put all the blame on Ranae at this moment was unnecessary and flat out cruel, saying her own son wouldn't wanna see her like she could read his mind. It wasn't helping the situation at all.

Ranae already felt bad and was placing the blame on herself, but she didn't need this right now, especially from Jarvis' own mother.

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