Cԋαρƚҽɾ 34: Yσυ Gσƚ Iƚ ρƚ2.

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December 24, 1993


Both Devante and Trina slept comfortably in the bed in one of the guest rooms, after having sex all over the studio downstairs. They brought it upstairs and went on for a good two hours, before Trina dozed off first.

De couldn't fall right asleep after everything went down, he lit him a cigar and let the whole argument he and Ranae had, playback in his head. He couldn't stand to hear her talking to him as if she lost his mind, saying she doesn't need him and she hate him. He didn't think he would hear those words leave her mouth so soon.

He was still pissed off, it seems as if that sex with Trina didn't help at all, maybe he would've felt better taking his anger out on Ranae instead. A part of him had the urge to go out and drive to her parents apartment, just to cause a scene and show her just how crazy he could get. He had it in him to drive over there and snatch her out of the apartment as if it was normal behavior between the two.

It never left his mind as he fell asleep though, this was major to him.

Ranae couldn't seem to sleep either, she was just as mad. She felt Donald had some nerve blurting out how he was gonna sleep with Trina, but wants to hold Ranae on a leash like she's his property. She grew tired of him talking to her any kind of way too, as if she's suppose to just sit there and take it. She gave him a piece of his mind tonight though, she got just as loud over the phone.

Though she was glad he ended the call after that heated argument, she was still fed up with him. This all started because Ranae admitted she needed some space, and Donald couldn't take that. So the first thing he did was run off to sleep with another chick instead of giving his so called girlfriend her time.

Ranae wasn't stupid either, as soon as Devante brung up Trina's name, she knew she's been there all day with him. It was time Ranae gave him a taste of his own medicine, to show him how shit like this feels.

Devante stirred in his sleep a little, hearing noises but shot up completely once that hot water damn near drowned him. Him and Trina both jumped out there sleep at the sudden surprise, soaked in hot water. It wasn't boiling hot water but it was hot enough.

"You stupid fuck!" Ranae yelled and hit him over the head with the bucket.

Donald picked up on what was going on and instantly shot out the bed, grabbing Ranae by the collar of her jacket, slamming her into the curtains with all his force "The fuck wrong with you!" De said with gritted teeth.

"Let me go!" Ranae's voice cracked as she repeatedly slapped Devante right across his face.

Trina didn't say one word as she hurriedly got dressed, catching a few glances of Devante trying to tame Ranae on the other side of the bed. This wasn't her fight, it was between Donald and his girl. Trina got what she came for and though she would've rather leave in the morning, she didn't wanna stick around for all of this. Hearing Ranae scream every name in the book, Trina quickly slipped her shoes on and left out the room.

Though he was trying to duck his head from her slaps, Donald ended up pulling her to the wood floor by her jacket, squatting over her "I will beat yo ass in here!" He threatened with so much venom.

That didn't phase Ranae at all "Get off of me!" She screamed and continued to throw punches at his face and chest. He tried his best to weave them but it was only so much he could do while trying to keep her in place.

"You want me to put hands on you so bad!" He said as if he hasn't done it before "You want me to go to jail huh?"

"I sure the fuck do!" She made out being that she was breathing heavy. She continued trying to fight Donald and it pissed him off some more.

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