Cԋαρƚҽɾ 49: Fαʅʅιɳ'

868 51 187

August 19, 1995

Donald knew he was assed out this time around, but he strolled into court with his head held high, along with his lawyer. He sobered up real quick the morning after getting arrested, and that's when reality hit him. He dug his own whole even deeper.

Sitting on the other side of the room was Ranae along with her lawyer, family and friends. Unlike the first time in court, she knew there was nothing for her to be worried about. She didn't break any rules, Donald did. Plenty of them. That was the last straw and now he has to deal with the consequences.

For the whole session, Devante couldn't help but keep his head down in shame, he knew he fucked up this time around. It was no getting out of it.

He prayed that if he walked away free today, which was unlikely to happen, he would leave Ranae alone for good. This was the second time they sat in court together over some fuckery he pulled, and could tell Ranae would be cutting him off completely.

He'll just have to accept it at this point, cause there was nothing else he could do.

Both Ranae and Donald sat back listening to the judge read off the charges Donald could possibly be going down for, starting off with the minor crimes "Vandalism." The judge started.

De knew they would find out what he pulled at Ranae's old resident. That night, Donald stopped by climbing up the fire escape like he used to. He was hoping he could get inside but what he failed to realize at the time, is that it was the wrong window. De ended up busting the neighbors window out first before stumbling back down the stairs to get to Ranae's window.

He really had it in his head that he would get away with it, but it seemed like it to him since he left the property afterwards like it was nothing.

"Driving under the influence." The judge continued and De sighed, folding his arms across his chest.

Donald might've not remembered much, but Dalvin didn't hesitate to remind him just how many drinks he had that night. He reminded his brother that he tried helping him out but Devante just wanted to do whatever the hell he wanted.

"Assault on a pregnant woman." He blurted out and Donald's ears finally perked up at what he just said, knitting his eyebrows together.


"Ranae pregnant?" Devante said in his head, his eyes glued on Ranae and Jarvis. They didn't even bother looking his way.

Devante clenched his jaw and began shaking his leg, anxiously. He was both pissed off and hurt at this sudden news. He didn't know Ranae was pregnant. Donald disliked the fact that Ranae didn't waste no time aborting his baby, but decided to keep Jarvis'. What type of shit was that?

What could he possibly do for a baby that Donald couldn't? The whole situation just fucked him up on the inside.

"That's petty as hell, Ranae!" Devante boldly stated.

"Do not interrupt me!" The judge spat.

De smacked his lips "You abort my baby but keep his? Man..." He trailed off shaking his head.

Ranae's parents sighed in unison, but wasn't surprised by his words anymore. Before this court hearing, Ranae had no choice but to reveal to them about her abortion back in 92. If she was washing her hands with Donald, she thought it'll be better to tell them everything that went on between the two, before hearing it from someone else.

They were disappointed that she hid so much from them, and just decided to do whatever she wanted on her own. Instead of holding it over her head, they just accepted it, it's nothing they can do now.

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