Cԋαρƚҽɾ 30: ρƚ 2.

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October 6, 1993

Donald laid against his headboard smoking, while Ranae rested on his chest just rubbing him up and down. They laid together tangled up in the sheets with sweat, still coming down from their high. Devante was pretty sure the guys got the memo and left being that he's been up here for almost four hours now. Not only has he been gone for a while but he's sure the whole house heard the bumping and moans.

Though Ranae was somewhat tipsy, she was still gaining back her common sense. As she laid there, she thought about how all the times they seemed to argue the only thing Donald was good for was sex, just like tonight. Ranae seemed to always give in too.

Of course he always put it down, but they really need to learn how to communicate. This can't always be the outcome whenever the two are going through something.

"Do you love me, De?" Ranae suddenly asked as he took a long drag.

He released the smoke through his nose before answering "Of course I love you Ranae, I been saying that all night." He reminded her while staring ahead.

"I know you've been saying it, but do you genuinely mean it?"

"Where's all this coming from?"

She sighed and sat up, covering herself with the sheets "De you claim to love me but you show time and time again that you don't. I may be young but I know damn well this isn't what love is suppose to be like. You may say you love me but your actions doesn't show it, I'm starting to feel as if you just say that to keep me around."

Donald glared at her for a second, taking another drag and sitting the cigar down. He recalls her saying the exact same thing when she showed up, and thought after they fucked this topic would be left alone. He needed to come up with something quick.

He coughed and motioned with fingers for her to come closer. Ranae did so and swung one leg over to straddle his lap. De arms snaked around her waist and he quickly licked his lips before speaking "I'm not just saying I love you to keep you around, I mean that shit baby girl." He told her as she just listened "Your young and don't know enough about love but I know you love me just as much as I love you."

"Mmmh." She mumble looking down at him with an unreadable expression.

"Love and relationships not gone always be butterflies and rainbows, people go through shit every other day. If you love them then you gone stick around and try to fix the shit, not run away every chance you get. That's exactly what you do whenever I piss you off too, so do you genuinely love me Ranae?" He turned it on her.

"Honestly I would be a fool to say I do after everything you put me through." She said straight up and that caught him by surprise.

De smacked his lips "You still bugging out about the interrogation?"

"Im not bugging out, but I have every right to look at you different after you pulled that." She told him and he sighed, gently squeezing her waist "That was basically saying you didn't trust me."

"I do trust you baby girl."

"You don't, because if you did my name wouldn't have even crossed your mind. Why would you ever think I would put you in harms way like that?" She questioned him.

Donald would keep this to himself but he always had it in his head that one day Ranae would eventually snap and give him pay back for what he puts her through. She hasn't yet but he feels she has in her to just lose it one of these days, she could be unpredictable.

"I don't know." He simply said like a kid, before picking up the cigar.

Ranae stared at him for a second before she chuckled and shook her head "Well while you think about that, I think I should just go my own way for a while." That caught his attention.

"Woah, you breaking up with me?" He asked with furrowed brows.

"Were we ever really together?" She questioned.

"I always thought we was, you tripping now."

"I'm not tripping Donald, this is probably the smartest thing to do right now."

He placed the cigar down once again and rubbed his hands down his face "Wait baby, please." He pleaded and held her before she could remove herself from his lap "I don't want you to go your separate way, I wanna be with you. Just tell me what you want me to do? How we gone put all this shit behind us?"

"Does it really matter at this point? You have your good days....or months but then do something to fuck everything up. We'll always end up back at square 1 and it's tiring." She said truthfully "The things you say and do just rubs me the wrong way now."

"Ranae I swear i'll cut all the bullshit if you stay, I promise you I will. Imma do better aight? I ain't perfect but I'm trying. It wasn't never my intentions to get with you just to treat you like shit, I'm sorry Alright."

"I've heard that all before."

She was really standing her ground and Donald was so close to dropping it. She usually gives in right away but this time she had some words for him. He didn't want Ranae to walk away from him though, he didn't care if it was only for a while, he wouldn't allow it. He hated the fact that this girl was trying to change him, he didn't have to deal with this any other time but he'll be damned if he let her get away so easily.

Donald didn't like pleading for anything or anyone but Ranae was different in a way. Naive? No, but she seemed to always give him chance after chance. This was a weakness of hers and Donald takes that as an advantage to control her. He wasn't ready to step down from doing just that, so he had to fool her into thinking he was willing to change.

Acting wasn't a thing to him, he seemed to do it so well.

"Alright, starting tonight I'll show you just how much I love you. Fuck the games and everything else....shit fuck everybody else, I'm all for you starting right now."

Though Ranae felt he should've been all for her, she'll take his word as of right now. She caught on to his games already and if Donald ever feels the need to,act out once again, she'll return the same energy and show him just how it feels. She'll be damned if she just sits here being played like a puppet like it's nothing, Donald needed to learn his lesson.

She couldn't just leave without beating him at his own game first, she had enough of it.


Sorry for this short ass update of part 2 but there really wasn't much left to say. We're 30 chapters in so beware all the messy drama that's about to occur, I know y'all been waiting for it so stay tuned!!

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