Cԋαρƚҽɾ 53: 4 U.

947 41 42

December 19, 1995

Seeing Trina walk up to the table, Devante actually gave her a genuine smile, since the last time he seen her face to face. He was wondering when she would show her face instead of just receiving letters and phone calls. Though his head has been completely filled with any and everything about a certain someone, he still made sure to check in with his baby boy.

He just made 1 back in September, and it shocked Devante how fast time flew by. He could say the same for his daughter he had with little miss Becky, who eventually X'ed him out after he got sentenced. He doesn't hear from her at all, matter fact the last time they spoke, was right after she gave birth last year.

Donald's been trying to get in touch with her, just to make sure the baby was straight, but no luck. His daughter should be good though, her mother had her own money coming in from their family record label anyway. De just didn't wanna be looked at as a absent father. Maybe the only thing her white ass wanted out of him was a baby in the first place, and that's odd to him.

"Hey there playboy." Trina joked as she took a seat across from him.

De chuckled "I can't be too much of a playboy in here." He shook his head.

"How things going in here? Anybody been causing you trouble yet?"

"Nah not yet, thankfully. I try to mind my business as much as I can, but everybody seem to be cool with me because I'm a celebrity. They don't care what you in here for at the end of the day. This one dude killed two elderly people and they treat his ass like a normal friendly neighbor."

Trina's eyes slightly widened "That's strange, but I guess it's just the norm in here when you're surrounded by serial killers and what not."

"True, but I hate that I'm in here. 21 years? They act like I committed a massacre. I know niggas that did some bizarre shit and got less time." Donald said while shaking his head, still not believing it.

"The system can be tricky like that sometimes, you had a lot of charges stacked up against you anyway."

"Minor charges." De quickly cut in "Shit like vandalism and driving while drunk."

"Also serious charges like attempted rape and statutory rape." She finished for him.

De sighed and rubbed his hands down his face, he did fuck up when he decided to act a complete fool that one night. Honestly, he would've got less time if he never popped up on Ranae and forced himself on her, not even knowing she was pregnant. There was no changing what he pulled that night, and now he was suffering.

"Yeah I know all that." De rubbed his temples "I just wish it was a way for me to walk outta here without having to serve 21 fucking years, forget just good behavior. I wanna leave now."

"The case did go by kind of fast. Maybe if everyone wasn't so eager to get you behind bars, you two could've reached a settlement. Then you wouldn't be serving time." She said with a nonchalant shrug.

"I doubt Ranae would've accepted some money, at that moment she wanted my ass strapped to the electric chair. It was her only way of getting rid of me."

Speaking of Ranae, Devante was bummed out being that the last time he saw her was a month ago. She really came to visit him one time and that was it. No more phone calls or letters, she just said what she had to say, and then she left. Going about her life, while he sat here staring at other inmates.

He wasn't sure what the hell she had going on, but in his head he knew her lil boyfriend probably found out about her visiting him, and decided to not let that happen again. Though it only happened once and probably won't ever again, Donald was still surprise Ranae actually came to visit him. Alone. She wanted to come and see him, without anybody stopping her.

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