Cԋαρƚҽɾ 30: ρƚ 1.

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October 6, 1993

It's been a week since Ranae seen or even spoke to Donald and unlike the last time she disappeared from him, he hasn't even tried to reach her. The night she left the interrogation she was beyond hurt, pissed off to the point of paying him a little visit at the hospital to cuss him out.

She figured she shouldn't even waste her time doing that because it wouldn't make a difference. Any other time when Devante was in the wrong he would always come up with some bullshit apology or excuse but go back and do the same thing over again. Ranae was over it.

Since she's been back home she kept going back and forth with herself debating if she should pop up on him or not, just to give him a peace her mind face to face. On the other hand, she couldn't even stand to look at De in the face, let alone speak to him.

Being that he hasn't paged or called her told her that he knows he's in the wrong or simply just don't care. That's always like Donald to not give a fuck about his wrong doings.

"Fuck him." Ranae said to herself while eating the vanilla ice cream from the carton, still thinking about the situation. She's been cooped up in her room all day, just watching tv with a mug stuck on her face.

Hearing three soft knocks on her door, she groaned and rolled her eyes "Come in." She said though she didn't want to be bothered.

Opening the door, her mother came in with a worried expression. She's aware of her daughter being in a bad mood, but she didn't know the full story. All Ranae told her when she came home that night was her and Devante were having issues. Her mother wasn't like the usual petty and lectured her with I told you so, instead she comforted her like she was suppose to.

Ranae had every right to tell her mother everything that went down that night but she didn't. She kept all the important parts to herself for some strange reason. Certain people are starting to see Ranae has a strange habit of keeping her mouth shut when it comes to her and Devante, but don't have a problem blurting out other things they've done.

Her mother came over and sat in bed with her, sighing deeply "How you feeling?"

"Down." She said flat out, it was obvious.

"Honey I don't want you to be stressed out about this boy, you need get out of this funk and not have whatever it is you two are going through keeping you in a bad mood. It's not healthy."

This whole situationship they're in isn't healthy.

"I know mama, I've heard it all before."

"You've been here for a week now....have you two at least spoke to each other?"

"He hasn't called me yet and I'm not waiting for him to do so, at this point I couldn't care less about Donald." She lied through her teeth. She was definitely waiting for De to call her, she hasn't stopped thinking about since his birthday but the thoughts wasn't happy.

She was bound to pop up at his place soon and let him have it.

"Why are you still involved with this boy if you two seem to fuss and fight every other week?" Her mom assumed.

"Mama this is the first argument I ever told you about, what do you mean every other week?" She asked furrowing her brows, scooping up some more ice cream.

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