Chapter 2: The Battle of Ordon

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Link stuck his Farmer's Pitchfork up the snout of a Bullbo until it dropped over dead, causing its Bulblin passenger to fly off and hit a wall.

Rusl and the others were long gone now, and must of Ordon Village was in ruins.

Link's Uncle parried with the Hero's Shield and sliced up a Bulblin with the Ordon Sword.

Link watched in amazement

I feel like I belong with a sword, not some stupid pitchfork.

Link continued hitting Bulblins but he was glancing at Uncle every opportunity, to see the way he swiftly id a spin attack, then swung the sword three times in a row, disarmed a Bulblin...

Epona even helped out by kicking a Bullbo, which caused the end of a Bulblin Archer who nearly blew up Link with a Bomb Arrow.

Suddenly, another quake happened, as the large monster known as Lord Bullbo crashed through what was left of the town gates, and King Bulblin roared, before blowing a trumpet to summon more nearby monsters.

"Something is happening in Hyrule" Uncle said to Link as they stared in horror at the menace who confronted them "Something Dark that is driving the monsters to destroy all life. If the rumors really are true and the Dictators who usurped the throne bow to the same one as the monsters then that can only mean one thing..."

At King Bulblin's command, a Bulblin archer fired a normal arrow at the two, and it hit Link's Uncle right in the chest.

"Aag!" he yelped as Link lifted his heavy body up onto Epona.

King Bulblin and the other monsters roared in the distance in rage as the two retreated.

Link rode Epona as she dashed down the path of the Ordon Woods, heading for Link's House.

Wait... Maybe we can get Uncle some water at Ordon Spring, the spring where the ancient light spirit once resided.

Link took control of Epona and directed her into the Ordon Spring, where Link, Ilia, and the children of Ordon once played in the water back in the good old days...

Epona stopped at the Spring, and it seemed the Bulblins had decided against pursuing the group.

Link set down Uncle in the water against a wall, and as he coughed the water turned red.

"" Link's Uncle coughed "So......sorry.....for...not...appreciating..... and Aryll...."

"You can't die Uncle!" Link said "No matter how mean you were, you can't go!"

"...." Cough "Take the sword and shield Link"


"The Ordon Sword and Hero's Shield....from Rusl.....take them....."

Link took the two weapons as his Uncle said to.

"You...deserve...powerful sword.....and Hero shiled.....your name is Link.....and....courage......and that means you are the" cough "you are the-"

Link's Uncle closed his eyes and the blood stopped coming

He was dead

"Uncle!" Link laid the Emblazoned Shield and Farmer's Pitchfork over his Uncle's body, and rode back to his house on Epona with the two new weapons.

"What happened?" Aryll asked when Link returned "You appear to have new weapons, you're covered in blood, and you look like you've just fought in a war!"

"Because I did" Link muttered "Ordon Village was raided by Bulblins, Uncle was killed. I got these from him since he got them from Rusl, and I got rid of the old weapons I used"

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