Chapter 9: Captured

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Link stumbled around the Aquame Bridge, desperate for healing

"Help!" Link cried into the night "Help me!"

Link got lucky, as he bumped into two travelers

"Uh, you don't look so good" the first one said "Name's Hoz"

"What about him?" Link pointed at the other traveler

"I am Error" was all the other one said

"Error don't talk too much" Hoz explained "You look like you've just fought a war"

"Lynel" Link panted "Ferocious Lynel"


"Yeah" Link said "I-"

"Don't tell him anymore!" Navi whispered "He could report you to the soldiers for suspicious activity!"

"Ok" Link replied

"What was that?" Hoz asked

"Nothin" Link replied

"Alright then....." Hoz replied "We better take him to a fairy"

"I have a spare fairy" Error said, and grabbed a bottle before releasing a fairy

The energy of the fairy healed Link, and all was well.

"Wow!" Link said "I feel great!"

"Now tell us how in Hylia's name you survived a Lynel!" Hoz demanded

"Yeah!" Error agreed

"Well-" Link began "It's kinda hard to explained cause you see-"

"Run!" Navi whispered

Link sprinted away from Hoz and Error as fast as he could

"Frickin Weirdo" Hoz said "Let's get back to Mabe Village before dark"

"It's the middle of the night, Hoz" Error sighed

"Oh yeah" Hoz replied as Stalmoblins began rising out of the grass of Hyrule Field.

Link made his way back to the Hyrule Garrison, and got on a frightened Epona

"Let's get you to a village" Link told the hore

Link rode Epona to the nearby Mabe Village, where a local citizen said she would take care of Epona for a little while

"Just tell me when you want to pick her up"

Link admired a girl who was singing a beautiful song

"It's called the Ballad of the Wind Fish" she said "I'm Marin"

The term 'Wind Fish' sounded familiar to Link

"That's my father over there, Tarin" she pointed to a large mustached man who was sneaking around with a sack of mushrooms, trying to avoid soldiers.

Link bought some meat and apples at the nearby market for eating.

"I'll take Seared Prime Steak and three Baked Apples" Link told the store owner

"That'll be twenty rupees!" she smiled

Link tossed the owner twenty rupees, and began the meal, accidentally bumping into a traveling Goron.

"Show some identification!" a soldier demanded

"Gurgumfuf?" Link talked with food in his mouth

"You are under arrest!" the soldier yelled as others gathered around

"He's innocent!" Marin argued

"Shut it or you go to jail too!" the soldier barked

"Get away" Tarin told Marin "Castle Town Prison is where they take people who are going to be executed"


"What have I done?" Link asked

"You bumped into that Goron over there!"

"It's fine!" the Goron said "Name's Gorko, and I don't mind if he accidentally bumped into me!"

"He's under arrest!" the soldiers yelled, and they knocked Link out

Everything's gone black

"Link.....Link.......Link! Open your eyes!"

Link awakened with the sound of that female voice again, which seemed a lot closer than last time, and he looked around to see that he was within a cell in Castle Town Prison.

"Well, I guess we're done for" Navi sighed

"Quiet you!" a nearby soldier barked "Lord Agahnim is on his way to pick you up"

"Why?" Link asked

"To take you to the execution at Akkala Parade Ground of course!" another soldier replied

"Yes" a third soldier chuckled with delight "The Dark Wizard is almost here, in fact I think I just heard the gates open!"

"He's on his way!" a soldier called from the end of the hall of cells.

Lord Agahnim? Link thought Could he be the Dark Usurper who stole the throne from the last King of Hyrule?

"Your string of life is about to be cut" a fortune teller in the next cell whispered "So is mine! He he he!"

"Shut it you!" one of the soldiers turned to the imprisoned fortune teller "No more of your stupid prophetic lies!"

The other soldiers turned to the prisoner too, getting their fists ready

Link took the opportunity to hit one of the soldiers with the Boomerang he had hidden in his pants pocket, throwing it and stunning the soldier.

Link pushed it toward the cell bars while the other guards were turned away, and grabbed a Knight's Broadsword and Knight's Shield off the soldier.


"Good thinking!" Navi said

Link used the sword to cut the bars down, and made a run for it.


The Soldiers started pursuing Link, and Link shut the door on them as he dashed into the next room.

There, a Ball and Chain Soldier was standing, swinging its ball and chain around menacingly.

Its golden armor sparkled, and its helmet gave an intimidating stare.

Link dashed in to strike with his new sword, as there was no time to search for his old weapons, and he was thrown back by a swing from the Ball and Chain Soldier.

Link held up his Knight's Shield, but that was not big enough to protect Link, damaging him some more.

He recovered a bit of health by eating a leftover simmered fruit meal, and threw the Boomerang to stun the foe.

No effect

Link was about to die.

The other soldiers had almost broken down the door to surround Link, and by the end of the day he would be executed.

"Help!" Link shouted "Can anybody help me?"

"No" the Ball and Chain Soldier growled "You're done for"

"Wait!" Link put his hands out in front of the evil warrior "You were probably once a loyal Hylian Captain before the wizard corrupted you! There must be good in you somewhere!"

"My name was Instructor Farghus" the Ball and Chain Soldier snarled "That was the past, and now my only mission is to kill all who disobey the King"

"The King?" Link asked "He's dead!"

"The new king" the soldier growled

"And who is that?" Link asked "Agahnim?"

"Agahnim, the King?" the soldier started "Hah! You're funny. Time for you to die a horrible death"

The Ball and Chain Soldier twirled his weapon once more, and swung it at Link.

Link too in the blow, and stumbled away in pain.

The Ball and Chain Soldier prepared to give Link the fatal blow, when a warrior wearing Sheikah Garments came out of nowhere and stuck a sword through the soldier's helmet.

"You're welcome" the warrior said in a female-ish voice

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