Chapter 5: Wonders of the Great Hyrule Forest

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As Link entered the Forest Temple, leaving Epona outside, he encountered a skeletal Stalfos warrior who was waiting at the temple's entrance.

After Link crushed the Stalfos with the Ordon Sword, smashing its bones to pieces, the Temple's gate shut on Link, trapping him in the mysterious dungeon trial.

"Anything in here?" Link called into the dark hall that was the Forest Temple's first room.

There was no response.

Link whistled Epona's Song while he walked around the Temple to explore and see what was in it.

Suddenly, a Skulltulla jumped off a web and leaped at Link.


Link hated spiders, so he sliced it away immediately

"Ugh" Link muttered

I hate spiders

Link continued through the Forest Temple, and reached a large pit that seemed bottomless.

Bottomless Pit!? How is that scientifically possible! Ah great, now I sound like Zelda....Wait, Zelda? Who's Zelda! What am I even thinking now!"

A Purple Bokoblin rushed toward Link, but he cut it away.

At the same time, a Fire Moblin appeared behind Link.

"Die, you foul beast!"

Link was pushed into the pit


Link hit the ground with a thud

I knew there was no such thing as a bottomless pit hehe

Link got up, unscathed, and looked around

The Coast is Clear

Suddenly, an Orange Iron Knuckle rushed at Link

"What!" Link yelped "Who are you!"

"Magic Knights created by the ancients to guard the treasures" the Iron Knuckle replied, before swinging at Link with a Royal Broadswod and Royal Shield.

"Whoa!" Link said "Powerful weapons!"

He drew his Hero's Shield, but then put it back.

That Royal Broadsword looks sharp... I don't want to break my only shield.... I could still get a Traveler's Shield for cheap rupees, but it's not worth the trouble

"You will not obtain the treasure" the Iron Knuckle snarled, and lunged at Link.

Link jumped out of the way, and the Orange Iron Knuckle hit the ground

"Fool!" Link said, raising his sword in triumph "I have defeated you, because of your own stupidity!"

The Iron Knuckle cursed in ancient Hylian, and Link sliced it up with the Ordon Sword to shut it up


Link went into the next room, and saw a treasure chest

More Treasure Chests? What is this, some fantasy book or something? Like the stuff I used to read to Aryll?

Link reached to open the treasure chest, but it was locked.

Oh great, this is why I hate Treasure Chests! Now I have to search this annoying temple for a key!

Link looked around, and a nearby rock looked out of place.

"Aha!" Link exclaimed "I bet the key is on top of that rock!"

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