Chapter 50: The Battle at the Tower of Hera

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Windblight Ganon continued to fire powerful lasers at Link and Revali, and Revali devised a plan to finish off the beast one and for all.

"Here's the plan" Revali said as he dodged a guardian laser "I'll distract the thing, and you'll go in for the kill by stabbing its eye with the Master Sword. Also, congrats on getting the sword"

Revali flew in circles around Windblight Ganon to distract it, and Link went in for the kill, stabbing the monster in its weak point with the ancient sword, causing Windblight to scream in rage as it exploded in purple fume.

"That wasn't so hard" Revali said "Now, lets get back to Rito Village"

"Are you sure?" Link said "I'm pretty sure they're at war"

"Oh" Revali said "Well, what's your next plan?"

"All that's left to save is Urbosa, Midna, and Zelda" Link said "And I think before we save them, we should get some extra help"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean we should go back to Eldin and get Daruk" Link said

"Okay then" Revali said "Want me to come with?"

"Sure" Link said "Just don't start any fights when we go by Kakariko City. Last time I was there the entire place was pretty much on fire"

"Oh hylia" Revali "That's horrible"

"I know"

Revali and Link left the Tabantha Province, and crossed Hyrule Ridge back to the Bridge of Eldin, where they crossed the bridge.

"I can smell the smoke and fire from here" Revali said

They crossed through Kakariko City once again, where the Battle that was ravaging the city appearing to coming near an end.

Most of the buildings had collapsed or burned down, and many of the inhabitants of Kakariko were dead or injured.

Link still saw a group of men with spears that were fighting against the soldiers, but Link knew it would be over soon when he saw a Guardian Stalker nearby.

Link and Revali exited Kakariko, and they were unable to walk up the Death Mountain Trail to Goron City since there was a Bulblin Army stationed at the trail.

"Dang" Link said "How else are we supposed to get to Goron City to get Daruk?"

"There is an alternative route" Revali told Link "Eldin Canyon"

"Eldin Canyon?" Link asked "That's not a road, it's a bunch of hot spring and canyons and cliffs"

"Well, we can still go through the Canyon" Revali said

Link and Revali took the alternative route down to Eldin Canyon.

"I think I see something over there" Link said "Some kind of ancient structure"

"Who knows what old stuff is in this Canyon" Revali said "I read once that around 50 years ago, a group of hylian tourists was observing the canyon when an earthquake caused their cliff to collapse, and- well- After that the Eldin Canyon was made off-limits"

"Well" Link replied "I see a giant old tower over there"

"I see it too" Revali said "It looks very tall. Must be some old military fort from before the incident. But we need to focus on finding Daruk."

"Can we at least go up to it?" Link asked

"Fine" Revali sighed

They both walked right up to the tall tower, and from looking through the windows, Link and Revali could tell it was abandoned.

"I see a sign" Link said "Tower of Hera, built by the mighty Captain Hera, Captain of the Hyrulean Royal Guard"

"Must've been built back during the Hyrule Civil War" Revali said "I heard that the war ended  after the hylian soldiers at the Tower of Hera captured General Darbus of the Goron Army"

"That's not how the war ended" Link said "I went the fortress where the Sheikah tortured the war prisoners. Sure, I saw the skeleton of General Darbus in there, but I also the skeleton of the insane King Daltus. The war ended when King Daphnes stole the throne from Daltus and Daltus was 'imprisoned' by the Sheikah"

"Oh" Revali said "Well, let's get going"

"No" Link said "I want to go inside this tower"

"Well, you do that" Revali sighed "I'm gonna go through the Eldin Canyon and get Daruk like you said"

Revali flew off toward Goron City, and Link entered the Tower of Hera.

Since the Hyrule Civil War had ended approximately three generations before the Royal Massacre, the tower was abandoned.

The incident with the Eldin Canyon tourists had happened around the same time as the war's end.

Link walked upstairs to a second floor of the tower, and surprisingly, there was a Moldorm monster on this floor.

Link fought the Moldorm and destroyed it.

He continued up to the final floor, which was decorated with paintings of ancient evils like Ganon, Demise, Vaati, Bellum, and Malladus.

The room looked very new, as if it had been redesigned very recently.

And then Link heard footsteps.

Someone else is here

Link heard laughing behind him, a very familiar and very evil voice that he recognized instantly.

"Agahnim" Link growled

Agahnim teleported in front of Link.

"It is I" Agahnim said "The loyal demon wizard of Emperor Ganondorf! And you will now die!"

Agahnim stretched out his hands, and lightning shot out toward Link that Link jumped away from.

"You're evil!" Link said "You put the curse on the Hylian Soldiers that has made them conquer the planet and kill so many innocents!"

"I did it because Ganon told me to" Agahnim replied, sending magic beams that Link dodged "And because we are both monsters of pure evil"

Agahnim sent a ball of energy that Link swung at with the Master Sword, and sent it back to injure Agahnim.

Since they had been reflected with the Master Sword, the beams hurt Agahnim mo2e than they had last time he fought Link.

Agahnim sent another beam, and Link sent it back to strike Agahnim.

"AAAAAAARGH!" Agahnim screamed "The Pain! Well, I bet the Zonai survivors felt more pain when I massacred them"

Agahnim sent another blast of magic, and in rage, Link swung it back with the Master Sword so hard that it knocked Agahnim to the ground, and Agahnim began disintigrating

"NO!" Agahnim shouted "This can't be happening!"

"It is happening" Link replied, sticking the Master Sword through the dying wizard

Agahnim coughed one last time, and burst into flame, before exploding in purple fume.

"He's really dead" the Hero's Spirit said to Link "Good job"

"Yeah, whatever" Link said

Link left the Tower of Hera, and saw Revali approaching with Daruk

"Heya little guy!" Daruk shouted

"How was the old abandoned tower?" Revali asked

"It wasn't abandoned" Link said "Agahnim was in the tower, and I killed him"

"Oh" Daruk said "Uh, good job I guess"

"Yeah" Revali agreed "Now let's get the Gerudo Desert and find Urbosa"

"Not yet" Link said "I want you two to get Mipha from Zora's Domain, while I go to Tanagar Canyon. I have a gut feeling I need to go there"

"Alright then" Daruk said, and he left with Revali to the Lanayru Province as Link headed to Tanagar Canyon.

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