Chapter 34: Journey to Argia

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It was another morning at Lon Lon Ranch for middle-aged farmer Talon.

Or at least, it was normal until he remembered that most of Hyrule's Rebel leaders were operating at the Ranch and using it as a base.

"Hi!" Link's younger sister Aryll waved at Talon

"Howdy young one" Talon chuckled "Oh, hang on, I have some crates and boxes to send away with one of my customers. Crazy guy is moving to Argia"

"Argia?" Aryll asked

"Small country of islands north of Hyrule" Talon explained "This guy thinks he'll be safe there, but no doubt Hyrule's dark lords aren't gonna forget about the lands outside the borders"

"Oh okay"

Aryll began playing around in the grass, and rolled into a big wooden box, and it shut on her.

"Alright" Talon walked up to the box and and loaded them onto his customer's carriage

"Thanks, I'll miss you Talon" the customer got on his horse and carriage, and headed north for the Argian Empire.

Talon walked away to talk with his daughter Malon.

"Everyone" Zelda announced, and everyone's attention went to her "Link, Revali, and Mipha are back!"

"Yeah!" Link said "And we will introduce you to our newest team member, Daruk!"

Daruk waved his hands and the air smiling

"Hey Daruk" Urbosa said

"Nice to meet you!" some others said

"I'm here too" Yunobo said from behind the former goron champion Daruk.

"Any new missions for us?" Link asked Zelda

"Nope" Zelda smiled "Our spies have yet to report anything going on in the capital"

"Okay" Link replied "Well, I'm gonna go speak with Aryll"

"I just spoke to her earlier, before I shipped off some boxes with one of my customers" Talon said 

"Okay" Link said

"Um" Paya spoke up nervously "I hope its not too late to say this, but I saw Aryll climb into one of those boxes"

"Oh no" Link gasped, and turned to Talon "Where is that customer taking those boxes?"

"To the Argian Empire" Talon replied "Fellow is moving outside of Hyrule to escape the chaos, but he'll soon see that you can't outrun chaos and evil"

"Besides" Impa added "I've heard that the Duke of Argia is supposedly corrupt"

"Can't be as bad as the Yiga Clan, or Agahnim, or Zant" Link said "Anyways, we have to go there and save Aryll!"

"I'll go with ya little guy!" Daruk exclaimed 

"Same" Urbosa said

"I would be glad to help" Mipha smiled

"What about you?" Urbosa turned to Revali "Come on, it would be like old times with the Champions!"

"I guess..." Revali sighed

"Then it is decided" Zelda announced "Link, Mipha, Revali, Urbosa, and Daruk shall travel to the Argian Empire, and get Aryll from there!"

Link and the four former champions headed north out of Lon Lon Ranch, carefully sneaking out of the base, as they had precautions to take so that the soldiers and Guardians wouldn't find them.

After almost getting noticed by a Guardian Stalker roaming the grasslands, the group snuck past the Bridge of Eldin and were in Kakariko Gorge once again.

They traveled back to Kakariko City

"Din's name" Daruk stared at the chaos within the great city "Revali really did stir up rebellion!"

Revali smirked as he looked at the civilians with Pitchforks and torches that were attacking the soldiers around town.

"Well, we better get to the docks" Mipha reminded the group

They snuck past the chaotic streets of Kakariko, and made there way to the docks owned by Ulrira, the rich old man who had a mansion next to the docks.

"Part of me wants to walk in that mansion and slap that old man" Daruk grumbled "I don't know why in Din's name Bludo sold part of the mines to him....."

"Yeah, well, Tribe elders can be a pain sometimes" Revali muttered "Like when Kaneli almost sold my Great Eagle Bow to some salesman with a beetle-shaped backpack"

"You mean Beedle?" Link asked

"Yeah, him" Revali muttered "Hate that guy"

"For your information, I gave Link thousands of rupees!" Beedle was walking near the group

"Uh, I didn't say nothing about that guy" Revali hurried away

"I've picked out a boat for us!" Urbosa was already preparing the first boat on the Kakariko Docks, and was preparing to release it into the Eldin Sea.

"Wait for us!" Link hurried over to the boat, Daruk and Mipha soon following

"I've got my eye on you" Revali looked over at Beedle, and got on the ship

"I ain't sellin to that crappy Rito anytime soon..." Beedle muttered as he walked back into town "People these days, don't appreciate us salesmen..."

The journey consisted of half an hour of sailing northwest on the Eldin Sea, and Link throwing up multiple times due to being sea sick

The Argian Empire was a chain of islands, with a few scattered locations such as Mount Hams, Hams Village, and Elgramere Village.

There will also several Garrisons scattered on the islands.

The central island, Central Argia Island, was home to the capital known as Argia City.

Long ago, before Hyrule became a country, there were several unorganized tribes living on each island.

They united under a the first Duke of Argia, as an Empire, but they were unaware of the larger countries developing south of them.

Nowadays, the current rich and possibly corrupt Duke of Argia, rules the islands with an iron fist, turning most active civilians into Knights that are sent to attack Hyrule, only to be wiped out by the growing forces of darkness in Hyrule.

"We should be arriving at Central Argia Island and Argia City any moment now" Urbosa said as the boat was almost finished sailing the seas

"I hope they aren't hostile towards travelers like us" Mipha worried 

"I attached a peace symbol to the flag" Daruk said "And I got some rupees to give them"

"I hate foreign lands" Revali muttered "They are all so uncivilized compared to Hyrule"

"Well at least they haven't been conquered by the forces of evil" Link said 

"They will be soon enough if we don't save the world" Daruk said

The boat stopped at the docks of Argia City.

"They call this a city?" Revali said as they exited the boat and walked past the Argian Knights stationed on the beach "I don't see any large buildings!"

"It's no bigger than Hateno Village..." Link said "Hey, what's that Castle up there?"

"That castle up there?" an Argian Knight that was walking by stopped to face Link "That is Argia Castle. It isn't finished yet, but one day it will be way better than your crappy Hyrule Castle"

"Dang Hylians" the knight muttered as he walked away

"Well" Link spoke to the group "Let's find Aryll"

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