Chapter 24: Hateno Village

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Zelda and Epona were in the Central Province, as they had just crossed the Hylia River and rode past the Stable.

They rode across the green grasslands, passing locations such as the Lake Kolomo, Kolomo Garrison, the Great Plateau, and Lon Lon Ranch, until they arrived in the area where the Sheikah Tower was supposed to be.

It was a tall and grand structure of ancient sheikah technology, and it cast a shadow over the nearby Hyrule Garrison, where there were no longer soldiers camped out there, but instead a squad of corrupted Guardian Stalkers.

Better watch out for them Zelda thought Those things fire lasers super fast

Zelda got off Epona and left her at the Hyrule Garrison, and she carefully snuck past the trees and bushes, avoiding the sights of the Guardian Stalkers.

She got to the base of the Sheikah Tower, and saw that it was surrounded by old, broken down Decayed Guardians that wouldn't turn on.

Zelda had some climbing skills, and began climbing up the Sheikah Tower.

When she got near the top, she used one free hand to grab the Sheikah Slate.

All I have to do is climb to the top and download the Map into the slate with the terminal

Zelda continued climbing, when suddenly four of the seemingly broken Decayed Guardians lit up with purple malice.

Oh crap

Four lasers fired at Zelda, barely missing her, and she lost her grip on the tower's walls.

The Sheikah Slate fell to the ground, and Zelda fell too.

She was about to hit the ground with a fatal collision, when suddenly a squad of Yiga Footsoldiers grabbed her before she hit the ground.

"Yes!" a hooded figure with a dark aura and red robes walked over to the Yiga Footsoldiers and the unconscious Zelda

"We have the princess, Agahnim" a footsoldier said

"Excellent!" the dark wizard, Agahnim, cackled with delight "Our Lord shall be proud! Take her to my quarters in the highest tower of Hyrule Castle! The best part is that nobody knows about it except us"

Agahnim and the others teleported away in fume, and the Decayed Guardians went quiet as they had done their jobs.

The Dark Wizard and the Yiga soldiers were unaware that a simple Old Man had watched these events unfold.

Surely that wouldn't affect the dark plot of Agahnim though, as it was just some random Old Man.... Or was it?


Link was pacing around Impa's front room

"She should be back now!" Link said

"I'm sure her highness is all right!" Paya said 

"I'm not so sure she is okay" Impa said "I feel something has happened to her. Link and Paya, I need you two to go to the Sheikah Tower and see if Zelda is doing okay"

"Me, go with him?" Paya blushed "O-Okay"

Paya nervously grabbed some Sheikah weapons off a shelf and put them in her bag, and walked off with Link.

"I have a feeling they will not find her" Impa said to herself after they left.

Link and Paya had to walk all the way to the Sheikah Tower since Zelda took Epona, and it took a whole hour.

"That was a lot of walking" Paya panted "Not doing that again..."

"Look" Link pointed at the Hyrule Garrison, where he spotted Epona chewing grass.

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