Chapter 54: The Invasion of Castle Town

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Within the smoky city of black stone that was known as Castle Town, corrupted soldiers marched through the streets, but some of them began feeling strange.

One soldier got strange looks as his armor turned from yellow to hyrulean gray and his eyes turned from red to blue.

His fellow soldiers were about to strike him, when they put their swords away as the soldier became evil again.

It seemed Agahnim's spell was finally weakening.

A few hours later, the guards at the front gates of the Dark City were taken out and a group of heroes was preparing to barge into Castle Town and take back the world from the forces of evil.

The group was lead by Link and Princess Zelda, and they were accompanied by Urbosa, Riju, Mipha, Sidon, Revali, Teba, Daruk, Yunobo, Harth, Medli, Midna, Malon, Talon, Ingo, Aryll, Terrako, Paya, Sahasrahla, and dozens of soldiers gathered from the remaining settlements all across the world.

Civilizians from as far as Koholint Island were there, as well as people from the closer locations such as Tabantha Village or Tarrey Town.

It was for sure, everyone was ready for a fight.

The Heroes opened the gates, and as they barged into the town, the army of corrupted hyrulean soldiers prepared to strike.

But suddenly, the spell wore off and all the soldiers became good again, and they looked around in confusion.

"Oh no" a soldier near Link said "What have I done?"

"We were under a spell for sixteen years" a nearby Hylian Captain said to his fellow soldier "And we remember every bit of what we did"

"Well, you all can help us fight back" Zelda said to the troops, who prepared to join the army.

Monster hordes and squads of Guardians arrived at the other end of the main road, and a war was about to break out. 

Suddenly, the familiar laugh of Emperor Ganondorf echoed throughout Castle Town.

"The spell may be lifted from the soldiers" Ganondorf whispered "But I can put it back on with my Dark Magic. Actually, I still have control of what the soldiers do. And now, let me show what I will make them do next"

Suddenly all of the freed soldiers began writhing around in pain and screaming.

Link stared in horror and they all screamed extremely loudly, and then fell to the ground dead until no hylian soldiers were left alive.

The battlefield of good and evil was now littered with hundreds of hylian bodies.

But that didn't stop the hordes of Moblins, Bokoblins, Lizalfos, Lynels, and Bulblins from charging forward.

As the monsters charged forward, the heroes also charged forward.

The Invasion of Castle Town had begun. 

The battle did not last long.

It was around five hundred monsters against one thousand people with a thirst for revenge.

For a few hours the battle raged, and the numbers of monsters began decreasing rapidly.

Meanwhile, while the armies and civilians were fighting in Castle Town, Link took the Sages and some other Heroes to the gates of Ganon's Castle.

After the Battle of Lon Lon Ranch, Hyrule Castle had been painted black in many places and new black walls had been constructed over the previous blue and white walls.

Even though the exterior of the ancient structure had been re-branded to be Ganon's Castle, it was still Hyrule Castle on the inside.

The heroes crashed through the doors, and over twenty different Guardians began firing lasers at them.

Link watched as Talon and his friend Ingo were killed by a barrage of lasers, and Link screamed as he used the Master Sword to destroy two Guardian Turrets at once.

As the Guardians continued firing at the Heroes, the Heroes escaped to the familiar halls inside of the Castle.

A few heroes such as Harth, Medli, Ilia, Marin, Malon, and Tarin stayed outside to stop monsters from entering.

They got some help when Biggoron stepped on six Guardians at once with his massive body.

Inside the Castle, Link and the other heroes frantically searched for the throne room of the Castle, but all they were finding was powerful monsters such as Golden Bokoblins, Golden Moblins, Golden Lizalfos, and Golden Lynels.

One Golden Lynel had Bomb Arrows, and pretty much destroyed the entirety of the Castle library.

"Impa used to tell me that there were so many great ancient preserved books in the Library!" Zelda said "And now they're all gone!"

"We have more important things than that to worry about right now" Link said as he saw a group of two Blue Gohmas up ahead

Terrako bleeped in agreement.

"One Red Gohma was hard enough" Link said "And now we are fighting two Blue ones?"

"We aren't" Revali said as Biggoron's giant hand smashed through the ceiling of the ruined Library and squeezed the two Blue Gohmas until they began pinching and fighting back against Biggoron the giant.

The rest of the heroes dashed into the next room, and were chased down some hallways by Golden Moblins.

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