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You've been asking for it so here it is!!


Jimin stares at himself in the mirror on this fine Tuesday morning, carefully fixing himself up for a busy day like usual.

He tries his best to ignore the dark bags underneath his eyes, the dead look on his face, the pale colour of his skin, thought it would be best to do so. He looked intimidating to say the least and that was enough to give him satisfaction of his appearance.

The worst part of his day was the moment he'd leave his room in the morning, because the first thing he'd always see was his lover's bedroom door. Sealed tight so no one was allowed inside while he was away.

It broke him each day, it would always put a frown on his face knowing that Jungkook was out fighting for their kingdom and risking his life in the cold, instead of peacefully sleeping in his silk sheets and velvet blankets. More importantly, sleeping right beside the lord as they kept each other warm and loved.

That's why he's learnt to avert his gaze whenever he'd walk out, eyes glued to the floor until he was completely out of the wing.

During the first few meal since Jungkook's departure, the King was always on edge,  constantly angry and shouting at the chef and staff  over the littlest of mistakes. And it'd get worse with each day since they haven't heard back from the prince all this time.

It pained everyone in the palace, sad faces all around the table that cold morning with Jimin sat between them, carrying a sorrowful expression of his own.

The people around him made conversation here and there, cheering the King and Queen up and taking their minds off from the fact that their son was at war and if he'd parish, then Fortair will have to be ruled under his bastard brother. And that was something neither the Queen not the King wanted. It would bring dishonor on the royal family.

Jimin has never met Jungkook's half brother because he lived in the village with his mother, the King's first mistress, in order to hide his terrible mistake. And Jungkook had never spoken to him about it because he had no clue the man even existed. only the King, Queen, and the royal court of which Jimin had been apart of for some time now.

After breakfast, Jimin continues on to his first activity of the day.

"Put your back in to it! What on earth would happen to you if that were a real solider instead of a wooden prop?" The lord shouts at the young men at their pathetic blows of their swords.

Since Jungkook was away, The King assigned jimin to help train the volunteers, just in case they needed reinforcements. He was pleased with his new job, because he thought it could keep his mind in play and not have to worry about the prince.

But it barely helped, he still almost always thought of him. Prayed for him. He'd lay awake the first few nights, wondering if he ate, if he wasn't impaled by a sword, or blasted into smithereens from their canons. His thoughts varied from best to worst case scenarios. He eventually started sleeping a few hours at a time at. The first week went by so agonizingly slow, he thought it would never end.

But by the middle of the second week, they got a letter. A letter sent from the royal army. It was a good day for Jimin as he stood in the grand hall listening to the messenger inform them of the troops status

"We Have successfully secured our post and are moving in further into enemy territory. 20 men have lost their lives and without them, we wouldn't have been able to make it this far. Our food supply was lost during an ambush that occurred a few days on the road. Although we defeated the enemy,  the craters carrying the food have been swept away by a near by river.

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