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Sorry this took awhile, quarantine is consuming me.

Enjoy! ✨🌸


Two weeks. That's how long it's been since that magical moment. Two, long weeks since Jungkook shared a kiss with the man that had his heart doing backflips for almost a year. And Two weeks since he's spoken to Jimin.

They were back in Fortair, Taehyung had gone home a few days after they got back. It was the last time Jungkook actually saw Jimin smile as he hugged his friend goodbye. He hasn't seen him smile like that in— you guessed it— two weeks.

Jungkook stayed true to his words, he gave Jimin all the space he needed, never spoke to him other than greeting each other. He stayed away. And it was slowly starting to affect him.

Nonetheless. He tried not to let it get to him, focusing on his princely duties along with events, training and scouting and kingdom with the guards in search for bandits and such.

It was the beginning of the week, a rainy day, a time when usually the king, prince and the royal council would discuss their goals for the week. Such as rising crop rates, finances and their military army forces.

As always, Jungkook sat at the long rectangular table and listened carefully to his father, picking up a thing or two and sometimes even joining the conversation. Occasionally giving them a good idea which made his father a little at ease at the fact that'd he'd rule after him.

But then he'd find himself drifting away, fidgeting with anything he found in front of him, a pen, a piece of paper, even his own finger to try and distract himself from his saddened heart,

He always kept a straight face, not once threatening to break into a smile or frown, as if he felt nothing. Hoping that it would draw less attention to himself, less attention from Jimin.

He didn't want the lord to know that he was secretly breaking inside, that the older's actions and decision to ignore the prince hurt him. It was stupid for Jungkook to even think that something could have happened between them. What did he expect? That they'd run away together? Make love to one another? Marry each other even? That would never happen. Not in the world they lived in.

So he made it his goal to forget about it, he had hopes the first week, that maybe one day something could happen between them, but it started to crumble the more he opened his eyes and realized the truth. That kiss was selfish, one sided, hopeless. And thought that Jimin just didn't have the guts to tell him.

Long story short. The prince was starting to turn back into the mean, heartless person he used to be. At least /pretended to be.

A male barging into the room made Jungkook pause his suggestion of making food to feed the poor to his father and council. They all whipped their heads towards the doors being slammed open, looking pissed and annoying with whoever did it.

The culprit was a man, he was panting and wore the uniform of a royal guard. With deep gasps in between his words, he tried to speak. "Forgive me, your majesties and my lords, but the kingdom has been attacked."

Homes ransacked, woman and children crying as they stared at their dead husband's and father's covered in a pool of blood. Soldiers rushing with buckets of water to put out the houses that were on fire. There was glass everywhere, the crunch sound that Jungkook's shoes made as he walked passed these horrible scenes was barely heard over the men and woman screaming for help and aid.

He felt like he was going to be sick, how could someone do such a thing? At the heart of their kingdom. His blood boiled with rage and he was definitely not the only one.

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