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Jungkook struggles to get Jimin's bedroom door open, twisting the handle with his elbow and pushing the door with his back since his hands were occupied.

"I got you some mangos brought all the way from a tropical island." The twenty year old smiles.

"There aren't that many discovered so it was a little hard getting it." He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. The mangos were brought as a present for the King, but Jungkook couldn't help but steal one from the kitchen before it was served.

"A mango?" Jimin sat up in bed, eyes still dark and puffy with the top of the duvet slowly falling on his lap.

"Yes. Sounds odd but apparently it's delicious." Jungkook shrugged, placing the tray that held the chopped mango in a beautiful plate on the bed.

"Thank you." Jimin says tiredly, not really feeling his best today but didn't want to disappoint Jungkook. So he lifted the silver fork and had a bite of the mango, humming in approval when it didn't taste that bad.

"Is it nice?" Jungkook curiously asks.

"See for your self." Jimin gathered a few pieces on his fork and brought it up to Jungkook's mouth.

He ate the mangos with Jimin, enjoying the peaceful silence that grew around them.

The next day, Jungkook made sure to look for something that would cheer Jimin up a bit more and distract him from his feeling. He felt like it was his duty to make him feel better, even if he wasn't entirely sure who this Yoongi person was to him, he still felt obliged to be there for the older.

He knocked on the door. "Jimin are you up?" He waited for a few minutes, it was the middle of the afternoon but recently Jimin would sleep a lot, always staying in his room and only came out if the king asked something from him. "Did you have your lunch?" He asks again when there was no response but a groan.

Jungkook opens the door nonetheless. Jimin should be used to the boy constantly coming in. He wasn't going to lie, he found it very sweet from the younger to be checking on him multiple times a day, but he /really needs his beauty sleep.


"Hmm?" The older stretches, seeing that Jungkook only has his head peeking into the room, Jungkook watches Jimin as he gestured to the younger that it was okay to come inside.

So he did, shutting the door behind him. "Did you eat?"

"I'm not in the mood to eat just yet, but I will later." Jimin replies, covering his mouth when he yawned.

"Oh alright then." Jungkook fiddles with the box he had his hand, not sure if he should ask later when Jimin was more awake.

"What's that?"

Jungkook looks up at Jimin's tired face and back down at the box. "It's a game I used to play all the time with Junghyun when we were children and I thought you might like it. It's called Backgammon." He smiles. "Have you heard of it?"

"I have." Jimin sits up properly, running a hand through his hair to tidy it up a bit. The raspiness in his voice made Jungkook tingle. He mentally slapped himself for it. Now is the worst time to feel this way.

"You want to play?" Jungkook plops himself on the bed with Jimin and starts undoing the little lock on the box, opening it up into two.

They didn't expect to play that one game for two hours, constantly at each other's throats to see who can kick out the most chips, completely forgetting the purpose of the game.

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