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Jimin be teasing the shit out of me and I don't like it 😤😰❤️

Enjoy! 🌸✨


Jimin starred back and forth between Jungkook's hand and face, confused and not really knowing what to do. Would this be considered weird?

He shook that thought out of his head and grabbed a hold of Jungkook's hand, deciding on the fact that it would only be weird if he thought of it that way.

Jungkook couldn't help but grin brightly. He kept a strong grip on Jimin's hand and lead him to a place he learned to love years ago, a place so beautiful it would make you forget about all your troubles.

"It's getting late.. maybe we should go back to the palace." Jimin said, trying to get Jungkook to let go of his hand. He was having second thoughts. But Jungkook only held on tighter.
"We're almost there." He continued to drag Jimin behind him for a few minutes more until he came to a stop.

Jimin took a peak from behind to see their destination and his jaw dropped at the sight of it.

Bright green vines were scattered across the scenery, creating a beautiful frame for the trees and bushes filled with colourful flowers. The sunset reflected perfectly over the small but gorgeous marble bench that was placed in the middle of the garden that hid in plane sight.

"What do you think?" Jungkook asked excitedly, eager to find out  what Jimin thought of the place. "I asked a few gardeners to keep this place hidden and take care of it."

"And by asked, you mean threaten them not to tell anyone?" Jimin raised an eyebrow at him and chuckled at Jungkook's reply "... maybe.."

"It's beautiful." Jimin said as his eyes wandered around the garden. "I think that this is even more beautiful than the royal gardens."

"Come, let's sit." Jungkook, with a hand behind Jimin's back, guided him to the bench and they sat facing the horizon that was beyond the garden. No words were shared at that moment, it was peaceful and quiet. With no king or princesses, no etiquette lessons or annoying servants, it was truly peaceful and Jungkook loved that about this place.

The sky was a gorgeous mix of blues and purples by now, getting darker and darker by the minute but they could still somewhat see each other still.

Jungkook looked over to Jimin to break the silence, but the look on the lord's face made him stop. His eyes were shut and his face calm, as if he was in deep thought.

Jungkook fiddled with his fingers when he started to feel a little awkward, the romantic atmosphere was screaming at him to hold Jimin's hand or rest his head on his shoulder. He looked over to Jimin's hand and he's never wanted to hold it so bad before up until this exact moment. And that's when the butterflies started to kick in.

He put his hand that he was fiddling with on the bench and slowly moved it closer to Jimin's. His heart was beating so fast, he thought it was actually going to burst. It was when he was only inches apart from him that Jimin decided to move his hand and speak.

"Your highness?" Jungkook flinched and swatted his hand away, terrified that Jimin noticed. "Y-Yes?"

"Have you ever been hurt to the extent that you felt like hiding that pain behind the the bad image that you created for yourself?"

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