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This is such a prince look.What a fucking hottie 🥵🤤

This took a while I'm sorry 😐 a lot of you have asked for an update and I feel horrible for not finishing it sooner 💔

Hope you enjoy! 🌸✨


Jungkook sat alone in his room  for lunch, enjoying the full course meal that was displayed in front of him, but his eyes would always wander off to the door, waiting for Jimin to walk in.

He was still mad from how disrespectful Jimin was, but he couldn't deny the strong need to apologize. He felt bad about what happened last night, so he invited the lord to have lunch with him. He never expected Jimin not to show up. Who wouldn't accept an invitation from the prince?

Jungkook sighed, frustrated. He picked up his napkin and wiped his mouth, calling the servant to come and take his tray away.

He sat in his room wondering what to do next, eventuality getting up to go find him. What a surprise that he found Jimin practicing his knife work.

"Hey." Jungkook quietly but Jimin still heard the anger in his tone. He turned around and only bowed to his majesty. "You're late. I've been awaiting you for over 20 minutes." Jimin spoke and stared at him unhappy.

"And I've been waiting for you for the past hour but you still didn't show up." Jimin wasn't the only one who was mad, he stood the prince up.

"I had to set up the area so I couldn't come." Jimin shrugged, placing down the knife he was swaying around with the other ones.

"I wanted to apologize." Jungkook basically spat out. It was a tough sentence to say since he wasn't used to it. Jimin stopped what he was doing and stared at the prince in disbelief.

"I'm sorry for what I did last night. It wasn't my place to say what I've said." Jungkook looked anywhere but Jimin. He was embarrassed enough.

Jimin couldn't help the smile appearing on his lips, he knew there was a softer side to the rude and ignorant prince.

"To be frank your majesty, I didn't think you'd come and apologize. Thank you." Jimin bowed again.

"Yeah well I'm not always a bad person you know." Jungkook's face was firm, as if annoyed of how people thought of him as a horrible person.  "Let's just do the knife training and forget it."

Jungkook aimed at the target in front of him for the millionth time, making sure he had a better shot than all the other tries before throwing the dagger, praying as he watched it fly and penetrate not too far from the bullseye. His eyes lit up. "I did it!" Jungkook grinned happily and turned to see the lords reaction. As if he was a little kid.

He realized he was acting so child like when Jimin started chuckling. He quickly changed his facial expression to a more calm one.

"Not easy, is it?" Jimin smirked, walking to the target to collect all the daggers that failed. "Eh." Jungkook only said, not wanting to admit it was hard. He had to be real though, Jimin made it look super easy when he showed him how to do it. He was curious on how he got so good with aiming.

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