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Instead of studying I continued writing this draft. You're welcome.


"You were barely waving, you weren't smiling, and you weren't giving friendly looks! How dare you show me up in front of all those people!" The king raged about Jungkook's actions in the morning greeting. He had a point, a prince should always show a kind face to his people, even if he was a cruel man. It was his reputation and the Kings reputation on the line and Jungkook basically did nothing about it. Only sometimes waving but never smiled.

"Why can't you be more like your brother, attending his duties on time, kind to the people and would always find an activity to share with them. Always lending a helping hand-" "I'm nothing like my brother. Never have and never will be." Jungkook spoke calmly, as if he wasn't being insulted by his father, let alone the king. sick and tired of people comparing him to Junghyun.

"Its a shame he was the one who passed." The king sighed. Jungkook stared at his father in disbelief. "What's that supposed to mea-" "you're dismissed." The king quickly cut off before he had to explain, he thought he made his point pretty clear.

The prince kept his anger and sadness inside, like he always did. Keeping his head high as he walked away to his room, he refused to let himself show emotion, refused to cry from the harshness of his father's choice of words.

Before walking to his room, he walked farther and went down the scary stone stairs to reach the kitchen, ignoring everyone's greeting and the people asking what is he doing as he took a bottle of wine out of the storage area. Once again walking back up with a blank face.

"You asked for me your highness?" Jimin bowed, walking to the king slowly with his hands behind his back.

"Why weren't you with him during the greeting?" The king calmly ate his meal as he spoke to the lord.

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, "I'm afraid I don't understand. Wasn't it forbidden for someone to join royalty unless they wanted company?" He spoke with complete respect. Of course he wanted to be near Jungkook, he knew he would do something embarrassing but he obeyed by the rules.

The king sighed, grabbing a napkin to wipe his mouth before speaking, "That rule doesn't apply to you. I want you around him at all times, what happened today must never happen again."

"I agree sire. I'll make sure it will never happen again, you have my word." Jimin bowed again, getting ready to walk away when the king spoke again.

"Before you go, there's something you need to know." The king sighed. Jimin stood and listened.

"A long time ago when Jungkook was younger, he had an affair with someone and it brought an enormous amount of shame to me."

"Don't worry your majesty He won't be getting with any woman as long as I'm around." The lord spoke with pride. The king squeezed his eyes shut, not ready to reveal one of the royal family's greatest secrets.

"It was a man."

Jimin wasn't expecting that, his eyes widened but he tried not to show it. "A guard to be specific. He was Jungkook's friend at the time. They were always together, I didn't think much of it until I found them..." The king paused, not wanting to say the next words.

He snapped out of his angered state, "Anyway point being, make sure that doesn't happen again. I wasn't worried about that a while ago because his brother was still alive to watch over him. But now that he's gone, and that Jungkook won't be having any mistresses to enjoy, I'm afraid he will go far enough to get his pleasure." The king finished before eating.

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