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The two of them sat across from each other in the prince's room. Jungkook stared at the man impatiently, waiting for him to start reading.

The guard cleared his throat, "Do you want to read it or shall I, your majesty?"

"You do it just hurry up." Jungkook for some reason couldn't wait to find out more about his etiquette teacher. In hopes of finding something to use against him, so it can help him hate the man more.

The guard opened the envelope slowly, unfolding the letter that was sent secretly to him.

"Lord Jimin Park, born 1857. Has no record of any family members. Received his title as Lord from the special duties he's done in the name of the king. He served in the royal army since he was a boy and is known for his tough personality, being a hard person to please and only friendly when he needs to be."

"Wait, if he was in the army then that would mean he has a tattoo of the crest somewhere, right?" Jungkook's expression changed as if he was excited of  the thought of Jimin having a tattoo. Him being in the army  would explain how he was able to flip the prince around and pin him against the wall on their first encounter.

"That is correct your majesty. May I continue?"

"Yes yes. Continue."

The man cleared his throat, not happy with the way the prince interrupted him. "His best known skills on the battle field are his almost perfect aim and is very skillful with knives mostly. He-" "Wait a minute if he was born in 1857 that would make him... 34?!" Jungkook's mouth fell open, shocked by how old the lord was. He really did look young for his age.

The guard was starting to have enough of the interruptions, but of course held himself together as he nodded, finishing up the last of the letter.

"He has a medical record of a serious burn from a grenade being set off near his face. The burn only affected his neck and a bit of his ear. And also a stab wound somewhere around his stomach." Jungkooks eyes opened wide, he couldn't even imagine how painful that must've been. when he comes to think of it, he hasn't really seen any burn scars on Jimin's neck. Maybe he wasn't paying much attention to the area.

"That is all my prince." The guard bowed, folding the letter up neatly. "Thank you. You may leave."

Jungkook sat there. Staring into space wondering more and more about Jimin's past. What made him soo cranky? So cruel and emotionless? He had so many questions that might never be answered. But him, being his nosy self, wasn't stopping here.

He quickly got up and started to look for the lord. He didn't know exactly where he would be or even where he could start looking. He was just wandering around the castle hoping he'd magically bump into him.

He heard the clinking of swords making contact with each other when he walked passed the fencing room, he peaked inside and there, stood two characters fighting each other to see who the best was.

The opponent challenging the fencing teacher was extremely talented. He couldn't help but wonder if that was Jimin under the white suit. The words he'd heard only minutes ago of him being a master with all things knife related crossed his mind. He was convinced it was him. And thanks to reality, it was.

Jimin panted heavily after striking the man a forth time, winning the match once and for all. He took of his helmet with a deep breath, shaking the teachers hand and thanking him for the opportunity. It been a while since he's practiced his sword work, he loved it. his favourite thing to do when he was laying around bored, was to train.

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