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Surbrize mfs 🙂

Credit to the amazing artist @/bezajungoo on Twitter. Go and follow rn you won't regret it ❤️


Jungkook watched from the door frame of the infirmary, the doctor carefully examining Taehyung and his wounds as nurses rushed to help.

Jimin was sat by his unconscious friend's side, carefully studying his face for any kind of life. Wondering if he'll wake back up again.

He passed out only seconds after the prince and lord got there, Jimin quickly demanded the messenger to inform Taehyung's fiancè and wasted no time in following the doctor as he took him away, leaving Jungkook just quietly following after.

"Your highness, the king is awaiting you." The guard speaks to Jungkook. Who's worried eyes never leaving Jimin, nodding before following the guard out of the room.

The two Kings were furious. The war they've been planning for days forced itself to come sooner than anticipated. They talked about preparing their soldiers and join forces in order to get rid of king Marcus and his toxic reign.

The king of Fortair speaks. "The wounded soldier explained that they're preparing their troops as we speak before he fell unconscious. Said the reason he hadn't returned was because he was gathering information. And that his cover was blown and they attacked."

"We'll have to charge immediately while they least expect it." May's father explains. "The royal army must consist of the best soldiers." His eyes fall on Jungkook, the future king. "This could be a great opportunity for your son to show the people of Fortair just how powerful he is. Know that the future of both our kingdoms is in good hands."

"Absolutely not." Jungkook's father stands. "He's my only heir. I can't risk losing another son."

"I'll go." Jungkook spoke before his mind could even process what was happening.

The people sat around him only stared at him. "I've beaten Taehyung in the tournament and have trained everyday since. The army need all the motivation they can get and if I'm there, their hearts will be on board for fighting for their homes."
He was aware of what he was doing. And he could tell from the look on his dad's face that he was considering it. Jungkook knows the risk, knows how terrifying and life threatening war can be. But ever since his brother died, the people's views of their prince being a womanizer and irresponsible never left their minds. This was the only way he could gain their respect.

With a deep sigh. His father says as he sat back down. "So be it."

He makes his way back to the infirmary, on his way there, he hears May's worried voice call out for him. "Jungkook!"

He feels her body crash with his in a deep hug. Her tears hot running down her cheeks. "I was so worried." She cries, bringing her head out of his shoulder to check his face. "I heard about what happened. I'm so glad you're okay." She smiles sadly, returning to hug the taller male.

Jungkook could'nt help the small smile from appearing. No matter how annoying she may be, she truly did care for him. And that was enough to gain his respect, hugging the younger lady back.

"I have to go check on the soldier that came in. I'll be right back." He tells her, placing a soft kiss on her cheek before running to his destination.

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