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Bruh that song^ is so Jimin in these last few chapters the tears are falling T^T

Don't listen to it unless you feel like crying.


Jimin jolts awake at the sound of chaos, rustling, banging, feet rushing. He was unsure whether these sounds were coming from outside his bedroom door or his window.

He tries to ignore it and fall back asleep, but was unable to. So he decides to awake, eyes heavy as he attempts to check his appearance in the mirror.

Jimin isn't aware of how long it's been since Jungkook hasn't written back, or when the council meeting took place shortly after. He hasn't been bothering himself with counting the days. Simply trying to distract himself from all of it. I can't say it's helping either.

He washes his face and goes about his business in the bathroom before getting dressed in his usual formal attire. Today, he'd be walking around the city and making sure that everyone was doing alright after the storm, then report it back to the palace later on in the day.

Once he's satisfied with the way he's looking, he walks out of his chambers to the usual busy morning. Even though Jungkook has been absent for sometime now, maids would regularly be in his room making sure that it was always clear of dust.

The lord makes his way to the breakfast dining room and sat amongst the other higher ranked personnel within the palace staff. Those who were knights and lords such as himself. The people around him make conversation like usual but Jimin wasn't so interested, only going along with whatever they had to say just so they wouldn't find his behavior peculiar.

Once he finished up his meal, he instructed one of the footmen his horse to be ready before excusing himself from the table. He had one more stop before he'd be on his way.

"Good morning." Jimin smiles at his friend. "I didn't see you at breakfast earlier."

Taehyung faces Jimin after he was fixing his hair in the mirror. "Oh I had it sent up to my room instead. Marry stayed the night." The silly grin on his face only had Jimin guess what the two were up to the night before. A thought he wished never crossed his mind.

Taehyung has recovered well these past few months and Jimin was glad that he had someone he knew in this huge maze of a palace. It would always reassure him that he's not alone.

"Has she already left?" The lord walks around the other man's room. "Yes, she has work." Taehyung finishes touching up his sleeve before reaching his friend. "Shall we be on our way?"

The two lords along with a few guards took a stroll on horseback around the town. Keeping small smiles on their face to avoid intimidating anyone. Especially the small children, who would only look up at the majestic looking men in their long fur winter coats and be oh so fascinated by them.

"How are the wedding preparations going? Have you two giving it a thought?" Jimin asks curiously.

"We've talked about it here and there, but haven't made a lot of major decisions. We feel that it's simply a bad time right now."

Jimin presses his lips together. "I understand. But u should always remember not to let the bad things get to You. Always have something good to look forward to, otherwise the dark will defeat the light"

"Speak for yourself." Taehyung blurts out, catching the shocked look plastered on Jimin's face. "What? You think I didn't notice your long face ever since the prince left." Taehyung chuckles. "The war is hard, and the heir leaving was even harder. But you must find your own happy place, Jimin. I worry for you sometimes." The younger man speaks sincerely.

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