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*Swipe for the piano vid.*

I know I said I'd update this yesterday but something came up and I couldn't. Sorry for keeping you waiting.😔

Enjoy! 🌸✨


It took almost half a day for them to reach Northern Fortair. Thankfully, they arrived safe and sound with nothing bothering them along the way aside from a few incidents with the wheels. Which Jimin thought was very surprising.

Jungkook got down first, feeling a chill run up his body as the afternoon breeze blew. It was definitely colder than his home. He offered his hand for May to take, carefully helping her out of the carriage like a gentleman would.

Though his eyes weren't focused on her much, they traveled to the scenery around them. The trees were bare, it being too cold for them to produce leaves. The sun barely peaked behind the large clouds roaming the sky. You wouldn't say it was spring time here.

After her feet touched the ground, she thanked him. A sweet smile on her face as she did. He gave her a half nod, then looked to his left to see that Jimin and Taehyung were already making their way inside the palace behind the King.

So he quickly stuck his arm out for the Princess to weave hers through, and walked up the steps towards the main entrance, feeling the warmth that was trapped inside hit him as soon as the doors opened.

Lunch awaited them after they were all escorted to their rooms. Jimin's and Taehyung's room were in the same wing. As for Jungkook, he was staying in a much more luxurious part of the palace, one fit for only royal blood.

It was so far away from Jimin's though, which upset the Prince. So he came up with an idea and asked the King if both men could have rooms any closer to his, since they were his guards after all. That being one of the reasons at least.

So after they all got changed out of their travel wear and into something more formal, it was time for lunch. The three of them walked together towards one of the many dining rooms in the palace. And every time Jungkook attempted to make conversation with Jimin, something just had to interrupt him. Either Taehyung speaking out, or someone greeting the Prince.

In the end he just kept him mouth shut and they all ate lunch. The King offered Jungkook the chance to look around the kingdom, which he agreed to because he couldn't refuse an offer from his host.

And that's how he ended up walking around the meadows with May at his side and Jimin and Taehyung right behind them.

"Look at these beautiful flowers, Jungkook!" She smiled, lifting her dress up slightly to be able to crouch down and pick one. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Yeah.." he wasn't even looking at the flowers, instead he just stared at how Jimin's hair moved softly with the wind, how his eyes sparkled at the beautiful scenery, gazing around in adoration. A delicate blush painted the tip of nose due to the chilly weather. He smiled when he saw the young prince staring at him, those gorgeous plump lips stretching enough to reveal the Lord's crooked front tooth. And that, that is what Jungkook found absolutely breathtaking.

"What are you looking at?" The princess beneath him raised her brow, ready to follow Jungkooks gaze behind her but Jungkook hurried to stop her, finding any way possible to distract her. The last thing he wanted was to start commotion.

"It'll only look even more beautiful on you, my lady." He charmed his way into getting her to think about something else. And it worked. Judging by the giggle that escaped her.

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