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Yes I cried when watching the We Are Bulletproof Eternal music video. Yes I watched it more than 10 times. And I know you did too.

Enjoy! 🌸✨


"Jungkook, where are we going?" Jimin asks for what might have been the fifth time already, making his horse gain a little more speed so he was beside Jungkook.

"It's obvious you've never experienced a surprise before." Jungkook chuckles.

"I'm not a fan." Jimin spoke, grip tightening around the lead rope of the horse.

"We're almost there anyway." Jungkook looks over to see that Jimin wasn't impressed. He laughs "let's see who gets there first." He smirks.

"That's not fair. I don't know where we're goi-" he isn't able to finish his sentence before Jungkook bounces the lead of his horse to run faster before Jimin could decline.

Jimin quickly does the same and follows Jungkook to wherever their destination was. Going just as fast or slightly slower so he was at his speed level.

After about five minutes of riding, Jungkook started to slow down. So Jimin pulls the rope, making the horse stop running and walk slow instead.

"Close your eyes."

"If I close my eyes I won't be able to see where I'm going." Jimin laughs.

"I'll guide the horse, just do it." Jungkook reaches to the side to grab the lead rope of Jimin's horse. The lord gave the prince one last glance before closing his eyes.

He felt the horse start moving from underneath him, after a while of walking, the colour of the inside of his eyelids weren't pinkish anymore. They were black.

"Mind your head. We're in a cave now." Jimin lowers his body at Jungkook's words. He had no idea where he was taking him, but the sound of waves crashing upon the shore gave him an idea.

With a pull at both horses from Jungkook, they came to a halt. Jimin hears Jungkook getting down, then the sand sinking at where Jungkook's feet were, coming nearer to Jimin.

"I'll help you down, just don't open your eyes."

"I have a feeling I know where we are, your highness. no need for that anymore." Jimin chuckles, but reaches to find the younger's shoulders nonetheless.

"It doesn't matter. Just keep them closed." Jungkook stayed as Jimin's support to get down and then he guided him somewhere. Only taking a few steps before he felt Jungkook turn him a little more to the right.

"Open them."

And so the lord does. First thing being met by was the sun setting perfectly on the line where the sky meets the sea. It was calming, the sound of the waves, the colour of the sky, oranges and pinks mashing together. It was undeniable beautiful.

"It's better over here than from the palace isn't it?" Jungkook speaks.

"It really is." Jimin doesn't look at the prince, eyes glued to the sun setting. He's never quite seen in from the beach. Always too busy to go this far just to see the sun setting. The palace and town were quite far from the coast. He had no idea how exactly did time fly while making their way over to the shore.

"Why did you want to bring me here?" Jimin finally looks over at the prince who was already looking back at him.

"Thought it might be a good way to put your mind to rest."

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