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Jungkook sits between his mother and father, eyes following the figures dancing and drinking and just having a good time from the slightly higher pedestal he and his parents were at.

Princess May's birthday party was at its peak. By now all the guests have arrived and everyone was waiting for the princess to make her entrance. All the guest except Jimin.

He couldn't stop his eyes from drifting to the door whenever they'd open for more guests, becoming disappointed when it wasn't Jimin.

That morning, they saw each other just like any other morning. Although today Jimin was acting a bit strange, rushing to get dressed and hurrying to get to wherever he needed to be. And when Jungkook asked, the lord didn't answer him.

After that, they both went their separate ways, Jungkook to the tailors and Beside May and Jimin.. well, he wasn't really sure /what Jimin spent his entire day doing.

The prince's biggest fear was Jimin going through his depressive phase again. For the fact that all these people were partying and laughing while his friend was missing and hundreds of soldiers were dying as they speak. Jungkook was drowning in concern for the lord.

The music stops and changes to a more dramatic tune. Pretty much everyone in the hall understood what was happening and stepped out of the way to let the princess pass.

Jungkook internally cringes at how the princess overdid it, dancers and worshipers walking around her and bowing to her as if she was some deity.

Thankfully, it was over quick and it was Jungkook's cue to go up to her and ask to dance, which was planned by his father.

"Happy birthday, darling. You look beautiful." The prince forces, causing the woman to grin from ear to ear before complimenting the male as well.

As the music starts again, it was slower, more intimate and made everyone around them unable to look away from the couple.

Jungkook stares at May but his mind wonders, he forces it to, wanting time to fly by. It was selfish, but knowing that Jimin wasn't there with him made the prince frown. In this suffocating room where the boy had to pretend to be someone he was not.

The dance comes to an end and everyone goes back to dancing and partying along with the prince and princess after having their 15 minutes of fame.

"Isn't it just wonderful?" May smiles as Jungkook spins her around. "Everything came out exactly how I wanted it to."

"Even if you're doing all this while people are fighting for our safety and dying for our freedom?" Jungkook brings her back to his chest and lifts her, copying the rest of the people dancing.

"We talked about this. It's a good way for everyone to cheer up a bit." She says, feet being brought back to the ground.

Jungkook just smiles, giving up. The princess was a lost cause, she'd never understand the people's grief, /Jimin's grief until she experiences it herself.

He got ready to go into the next part of the dance they were doing, until a tap was felt on his shoulder.

He turns to face whoever asked for his attention, heart skipping a beat and automatically increasing in speed when he saw the one person he actually looked forward to seeing this evening.

"Pardon me your highnesses, may I have a word with the prince? It's quite an urgent matter." Jimin politely bows to the both of them, eyes only meeting Jungkook's for a split second before his entire focus was on the girl in front of him.

She gives the prince a confused look, as if demanding an explanation from him, he only shrugs.

"Of course." She forces, making Jungkook finally taking his hands from her waist and hand, eyes slightly widen when he saw that Jimin was already starting to walk towards the hall's exit.

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