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I'm too tired to go over all of this and fix any grammar or spelling mistakes so forgive me in advance if you come across any 😔 I'll fix it tomorrow morning at work. 🙃

Enjoy! 🌸✨


"You look so handsome my prince." The tailor spoke in awe as she stared at Jungkook in his nearly finished suit.

"It needs to be taken in a bit, it's too big." Jungkooks expression was blank, "And of course it needs to be done by tonight."

"I'll work on it right away, I assure you your majesty it'll be ready for the party later." The woman bowed, gathering all of her things plus the suit and left to finish it off before tonight.

Tonight was finally the event that Jungkook has spent weeks preparing for, the spring ball. The palace was packed with caterers preparing the food and planners decorating the grand hall of which the ball will take place in, so it was a very busy day.

It's been a few days since the incident in the library, their lessons went on as scheduled and Jimin was now confident that Jungkook won't show himself up and will know how to act and speak with utter grace and formality, as did the prince himself since both his father and Jimin will be there watching his every move.

Jungkook didn't have a chance to talk to Jimin about what happened, nor did he have a chance to ask why he was being so detached. Because as soon as the lessons were over, the lord would rip himself out of his life and vanish into thin air, never to be seen until the next day. And it frustrated the prince everytime.

He made it his mission to finally confront him tonight and demand an explanation. He knew it was going to be hard with all those people around, but it was his only chance.

He sighed, too deep in thought to think about anything else. He truly wished that he had someone he could talk to about these things but he was all alone, confused and hurt in this large castle.

It was starting to get dark and people have already started to arrive, he watch from his window how carriage after carriage dropped off people and went on their way, some he recognized and some were complete strangers.

The tailor soon arrived with the suit completely finished and wasted no time in helping Jungkook get into it, making sure it fit perfectly before he walked out of the room to meet up with his parents in order to do their grand entrance.

"Oh what a handsome young prince you are my darling." His mother cooed at the sight of her son looking sharp. "Doesn't he look charming my king?"

"Let's just pray he will be able to capture a princess' heart." The king made no change in his emotions. Jungkook already wanted this thing to be over and it hasn't even started yet.

"Presenting The King and Queen of Fortair and their son; prince Jungkook." The presenter was heard from the other side of the doors before they were blown open. Simple violin music was being played as both the King and Queen walked side by side down the stairs with Jungkook not far behind. The two pretending to like each other really made Jungkook sick to his stomach.

The music stopped and the King gave a speech, thanking everyone for coming and wishing them a splendid spring filled with the fairest of flowers and riches of fruits, but that entire time Jungkook was only focused on finding a certain Nobel.

Meant To Rule [ Jikook ]Where stories live. Discover now