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This is a long one y'all 🤩


"How are you feeling? You had a bit of a temperature this morning." Jimin walked towards the prince, concerned and was about to place his palm on his forehead but Jungkook back away.

"I'm feeling alright." Jungkook couldn't even look at the lord without imagining the scenes of last night.

Jimin paused for a moment, startled but decided not to think much of it. "I haven't seen you this afternoon. I heard you spent the day with Princess May."

"Yeah I did." Jungkook couldn't help but feel awkward in front of the 34 year old, he knew the lord remembers the prince's confession from last night.

"Did you enjoy your time together?" Jimin was curious since it didn't seem that way from Jungkook's expression.

"It was fine." Jungkook finally took a minute to study the lord's appearance, noticing he was dressed to impress. "How come you're all dressed up? Were you invited to the dinner?"

Jimin chuckled, "I'm always invited, I was just never fond of going."

"You look nice." Jungkook blurted out, feeling his cheeks burn right after. "I mean, nice enough to make the ladies fall at least." He shrugged, assuming he saved his embarrassment.

Jimin couldn't help but enjoy how awkward Jungkook was acting, it was undeniably cute.
"Is that so?"

Jungkook didn't answer, instead he look around at his surroundings as he fiddled with his fingers, pondering over how to put his words together to apologize for last night.

"Is something the matter?" Jimin's face fell confused and before Jungkook could speak, a guard interrupted them.

"The king has sent me to inform you that he is expecting you both in the grand dining room." He bowed before leaving as suddenly as he appeared.

"I'm assuming that's the kings way of saying we're late." Jimin chuckled, turning to his side to see Jungkook's disappointed expression.

"If it's about what happened last night, we'll talk about it after dinner, alright?" Jimin smiled sincerely, before walking out of the wing and towards the dining room.

Jungkook stayed there for a few more minutes, knowing that it wouldn't be a good idea to arrive late with the lord, his father would think badly of it.

Jungkook soon came through the doors to the dining room and was greeted by his mother and the lords and ladies that were still staying at the palace.

After, May came and sat near the prince of course, but his mind only focused on the lord sat across from him, who had no idea a certain prince was staring at him as he continued to talk to the man next to him.

He couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked, one side of his dark brown hair was combed back while the other stayed in place, dressed in a low collared jacket that showed his scar more than usual, the scar that Jungkook couldn't help but find extremely attractive.

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