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Jungkook peaked out of his tent, the sound of music playing and the crowd cheering filled the air as the sun nearly set beyond the horizon.

Jungkook watched his people take their seats, waving the Fortair flag, arms stretched high with ambition and excitement. Jungkook found himself frowning, the last thing he wanted to do was disappoint his subjects.

He pulled the drapes to his tent shut, sighing upon his reflection in the small mirror on his left, before he continued to put his armor on.

He didn't notice the person behind him until that said person tapped lightly on his shoulder, making him flinch and accidentally drop the armor that was supposed to go on his leg.

"Oops." The woman giggled. "Let me pick that up for you."

"May.." He spoke breathlessly, he knew she would be coming, regardless, he was still shocked as to why she was in his tent. "What are you doing in here? You should be sitting down."

"I wanted to wish you luck." She bowed, handing Jungkook the heavy piece of armor.

"You are aware that I could've been bare when you walked in?" Jungkook cocked an eyebrow, a smirk growing it's way onto his lips.

"And? It's not like I haven't seen you in that state before." She herself gave a devilish smile. Gosh, Jungkook thought. This girl reminded him of himself. And if he didn't love cock so much he might've really liked her; but not in this story.

She made her way towards him and kissed his cheek. "A good luck kiss." She smiled, their noses inches apart.

Jungkook stayed still, watching as she began getting closer and closer. He didn't want to kiss her but he had no choice. If he didn't, she would surely tell her dad and that would cause problems between him and his father. And he really didn't feel like going through that.

He was about to close his eyes and give in when a small "Ahem." came from the tent's entrance. The princess jumped and stepped away from the prince instinctively.

"I don't mean to intrude." Jimin bowed to the royal bloods in front of him. "but I wish to speak to the prince. In private." He added, still keeping his head down to be polite. She was a princess after all.

"Of course." She replied, hurrying out of the tent in a matter of seconds. ( finally that biatch left. Now for the good shit 🤩 )

When the princess was no longer in sight, Jimin raised his head to look at Jungkook. "You two have gotten awfully close."

"You can say that." Jungkook shrugged, finally getting down on his left knee so he can finish tying the armor around his right leg.

Something shiny at the corner of Jungkook's eyes caught his attention. He raised his head back up to see Jimin handing him a beautiful sword.

He looked up to Jimin and back down to the glistening steel, engraved with gorgeous markings and details along its length.

"What's this?" Jungkook asks, voice low as he brought himself back up on his feet.

"My own good luck charm." Jimin gestured the prince to take it. "It's my favorite battle sword. It has amazing balance with a light weight. And since I won't be needing it anymore, I think you'd find it a lot more useful."

"But I already have a sword, crafted by the best blacksmith in the country." Jungkook pointed at his own that was laying on the table opposite them.

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