Chapter 17

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"Then I literally spilled everything onto her!" We all laughed at Maddie's story as she recalled when she accidentally dumped her drink down her teacher.

"And then-"

"Hi Madison."

We all turned back and saw a boy standing a little further back from us scratching his head. His cheeks were coloured a pale pink and his brown eyes flickered all over the place, avoiding looking at Maddie.

"Flynn..." Maddie blushed too. She nervously tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "Just call me Maddie."

"You know my name?" He smiled a little at that, making her flush a little bit more.

"Yeah, of course I do."

"Can we talk? Privately?" He gestured shyly down the hallway.

"Sure." She agreed and followed him.

Rachel looked at me and wiggled her eyebrows at me. "Ooh, I can sense the love in the air." I chuckled, amused.

My eyes followed them. Flynn appeared to be nervously asking Maddie a question, with her nodding her head eagerly, both of them breaking out into wide smiles. "Aw, they're so cute together!" I cooed happily.

"Yeah, they sure are." Another male voice piped up.

I turned around in surprise. Another guy with dark brown hair was standing behind us, smirking. He was built like an athlete, tall and lean, obviously the sporty type.

Rachel's eyes widened ever so slightly. His light brown eyes drifted down to Rachel, Aurelia and me. "Well, hello there." He teased. "I'm Noah."

Rachel gulped a little and turned beet red. I looked from her to Noah confusedly. Wait...she has a crush... Rachel likes Noah?

"I'm Allison, this is Aurelia and Rachel." I decided to help her out a little. She turned her head a little and mouthed 'thanks' to me.

"So...what are you doing here?" Rachel asked a little shakily.

"Well, Flynn there wanted to see Maddie and ask her something so I followed him here. God, he's so whipped." And yet another boy came up from behind the athletic one and leant back against the wall, running a hand through his black hair. "I'm Logan."

I raised my eyebrows as a wide smile appeared on my lips. "Well that's very interesting. Good to know." I nudged Rachel.

She winked and made kissy faces at me while pointing to Maddie and Flynn. Noah laughed. "Good one there." Logan wiggled his eyebrows at Rachel. "Save some kisses for me?"

She abruptly stopped and turned back with a look of horror on her face. "You're still here?"

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock." I rolled my eyes.

She shot me a look while Noah laughed again. He looked over our shoulders to see Flynn and Maddie making their way back to us, identical goofy smiles on their faces.

"Well, we gotta go now. Nice meeting you girls. Till next time!" Noah slung an arm around Flynn and Logan's shoulders and the three made their way out of the Academy.

As soon they were gone, Rachel slumped down, her face in her hands. "Oh my God, I looked so retarded back there." She groaned dramatically.

"Oh c'mon, it wasn't that bad." I tried to reassure her, yet pressing my lips together to keep from laughing.

"Yes it was!"

I opened my mouth and giggles escaped. Suddenly, Logan appeared at my side again, making me shriek. "I forgot something!" He put his hands up. "Don't go all cray cray on me woman!"

I groaned and smacked his head. "Ow, that totally hurt. Massage my head?" I laughed. "In your dreams." "Oh, you'll definitely be there tonight." He countered cheekily.

I was about to make an awesome comeback before I heard: "Hey Ally." I looked up to see Lilith walking past us and smiling at me. I waved back. Looking back at Logan, I noticed his eyes were trailing after Lilith, an interested look in his brown eyes.

"Someone's got a crushhh." I sang. Logan immediately looked at me again, looking like a deer in the headlights. "Whoa, are you blushing?"

"N-no," he stammered. "I-uh-I gotta go now." He literally took off, desperate to get out.

I stood there, before saying, "You were right Rach, there is totally a lot of love in the air right now."

Hehe... ;) Enjoy!

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