Chapter 14

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"Aurelia..." I stuttered nervously.

"What are you doing here and why?" Aurelia's voice was steadily calm, yet a tiny bit of anger and fear was present.

"I wanted to see what you were hiding so I followed you..."

Her grip tightened. "How much did you hear?"

I looked down and closed my eyes. "Everything." I whispered softly.

She sucked in a sharp breath. "Don't..." She cleared her throat, her voice strong once more. "Don't tell anyone about this. If you do, I won't ever let you off."

"I promise."

She let me go slowly. I turned around and faced her. The small sign of weakness and vulnerability she had shown a minute ago was gone, replaced with the stone cold mask she always wore.

"Listen, I know how it feels like to be alone. I used to be bullied and teased all the time. No one ever stood up for me and all my so-called 'friends' turned their backs on me. It was basically just me against the whole world." I attempted.

Her face softened ever so slightly. She turned around. "Come on, we should go now. It's getting late."

I nodded and strode past her. Turning back for a second, I saw Aurelia mouthing the words 'Bye Willow' to the headstone.


We got back to the Lodge around 20 minutes later, not a single word uttered the whole journey. As we entered the lobby, there was a huge commotion. Students buzzed among themselves excitedly and kept pointing at something. I raised an eyebrow. Whoa, was some celebrity like Jennifer Lawrence here or something?

I headed towards Maddie and Rachel, who were standing just slightly further off from the crowd. Maddie with her arms crossed and Rachel looking pretty pissed off. And surprisingly, Aurelia followed me without a word.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked as a form of greeting.

"Roxana Phoebe Hudson, that's what." Rachel spat out the full name like it was venom in her mouth.

Maddie looked behind me at Aurelia, looking a little shocked, before shrugging it off and patting Rachel's arm. "Yep, the Grade 1 diva is back."

"Back from where?"

Rachel glared at this girl's general direction. "A one month vacation from the Bahamas. She actually missed one month of school just for a f*cking holiday."

Maddie and I exchanged looks with wide eyes. Rachel hardly ever cursed unless she was super ticked off.

"Whoa, why so mad?"

Maddie sighed. "Roxana and Rachel used to be best friends in high school. Then when they were 16, after spring break, Roxana suddenly 'dumped' Rachel and starting hanging out with those popular people. After some badmouthing and degrading, let's just say they weren't on the best of terms anymore."

"Then when I turned 17, I transferred to Mystique Academy. But no, things never go my way. I come here, then a few days later BOOM, and she shows up." Rachel looked like she was about to explode.

Maddie opened her mouth to say something, probably to calm Rachel down, but Aurelia beat her there. "Yeah, she's a b*tch alright."

All 3 heads turned in surprise. Seeing our faces, she shrugged nonchalantly. "What? It's true. I've seen way to many skimpy clothes already."

This statement caused us all to burst out laughing. Even Aurelia had a tiny hint of a smile on her face. "Don't deny, 'cause you and I both know it's true." We giggled even harder at that.

"Rachel!" A voice rang out.

Rachel's face transformed from amused to annoyed in a split second. "Roxana," she muttered.

A blonde girl came struttting out from the middle of the crowd. She had the kind of look you'd normally see cheerleaders having, confident and acting like royalty. However, Roxana had something more. She had a kind of air surrounding her, telling everyone that she aimed for the best, nothing but the best, and she wouldn't stop at anything for it.

She sashayed foward and pulled Rachel into a tight hug. Rachel stiffened, her nose scrunching up due to the strong expensive perfume wafting from Roxana.

Roxana pulled back, a huge perky smile on her face, which was obviously very fake. "How are you? I haven't seen my best friend in more than a month!"

Rachel snorted, getting straight to the point. "If you're gonna be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty."

Roxana's smile got a little smaller and a little more vicious. "But we're best friends Rachie, remember?"

"Well, Roxy, you don't seem to treat me as a friend, or a person even. Is your ass jealous of the amount of sh*t that comes out from your mouth?" Rachel hissed.

The smile was gone now. Roxana's green eyes glinted dangerously as she glowered at her. "Well, nice meeting you Rachel. I'd best get going now."

"Yeah, I look foward to it." Rachel rolled her eyes and called out sarcastically.

Once Roxana left, awkward silence came. Well, until Maddie started clapping. "I taught you well, dang girl, that sass though!"

Rachel laughed a little. "Come on, let's go back now. I'm dead beat."

As we walked into the elevator, Rachel said seriously, "You guys be careful. You'll definitely be on Roxana's radar after what just happened."

Maddie and I nodded while Aurelia scoffed. "What can she do? Tattle on us? A whore like her can't do much other than mess around with her boy toys."

Rachel gave a smile. "Good to know I'm not the only one who thinks that."

Hey guys, I'm back. :) Congrats on finishing Chappie 14 but there's still a lot more to come. Thanks for sticking with me so far! :D Btw big thanks to the new bootiful cover made by the one and only... *Drumrolls* ...@MeCrayCray02! Enjoy this chapter!

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