Chapter 6

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For what felt like the umpteenth time, I stopped outside the school. This time, out of fear and worry about what Principal Nicholson might do. I looked up towards the sky, Please, please, please don't let anything else happen today. I steeled myself and entered.


"Allison Lovett, please report to the Principal's office immediately." The overhead intercom sounded.

My eyes widened and I dropped my head onto the table. Shit, I'm dead. Curse my goddamn luck.

Reluctantly, I stood up and shuffled off to my doomsday.

Trying to drag it out as long as possible, I lingered outside the office when I reached. Staying out there for a good four minutes, I paced non-stop. Back and forth, back and forth, back and-

The door opened,"Allison? Come in please."

I stopped in my tracks. Whoa, was this woman psychic or something? I hesitatingly stepped in,"How did you know I was out there?"

Principal Nicholson was seated behind her desk,"I could see your shadow." There was a hint of a smile on her face,"Have a seat."

I sat down slowly, like afraid-there's-a-hidden-bomb slowly.

Principal Nicholson didn't waste any time and got down to business,"Now, about yesterday. I noticed the mark on your hand. Do you know what it is?"

I rushed to defend myself,"It's not a tattoo, I swear!"

"Calm down, Allison. Let me show you something."

She showed me her left hand. My eyes grew to the size of a golf ball,"Whoa! Oh my God! You have it too!"

"Yes," Principal Nicholson stroked the pale yellow mark on her hand,"I'm sure you have many questions. Let me explain. There is another world called the Mystique realm. It is where all the supernaturals are. Now, people with these marks - we call them Emblems- are called Elementals. There are 7 Elements and each Element has a unique Emblem."

I took all of this in with a disbelieving mindset. "So what you're saying is there is another world and there are people called the Elementals who have powers...."


" offence Principal Nicholson, but do you ever consider seeing a psychiatrist? I know a guy who knows a guy, who knows another guy..."

"Allison, what I'm telling you now is real. Everything is real. All those myths and legends, they're all true. I can prove it to you."

Principal Nicholson put out a hand, fingers twitching slightly. Suddenly, something appeared.


"You see now?"

"'s just...impossible!" I gestured wildly to Principal Nicholson's outstretched palm.

"Allison, when you're an Elemental, nothing is impossible. And you, my dear, are one of them. One of us."

"I'm...I'm an Elemental?" Looking down at my hand, everything just fell into place. The pale blue snowflake gleamed slightly, branding me to the Mystique realm.

In Principal Nicholson's hand was a tiny lightning bolt, floating just above her palm.

"Yes, yes you are."

Hey y'all! :) Sorry for the slightly late update. Personally, I blame it on school/hell *Coughs* SAVE ME FROM THIS TORTURE *Coughs* I've just been so tired 'cause of it. So updates might be a little later in the future.

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