Chapter 36

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I gasped as the knife entered my body. The pain was unbearable, like I had been dunked in acid, bitten by poisonous animals, took a huge beating by boxers and wrestlers, run over by a bus a dozen times and stabbed slowly to death in the Hunger Games.

Just multiply that combined pain by a hundred times and you'll see what I was feeling then.

"Shit! Lily!" I heard a voice yell, along with the clanging of metal on metal, shouts, battle cries and roars of pain and anger and the occasional sound of powers being used.

Ooh, I hear waves. Cool.

I groaned tiredly as my vision blurred and I started seeing double. With a heck lot of difficulty, I tried to focus on something, causing my head to spin dizzily.

The Nature Elemental was still on top of me, her knife raised once more. I looked at the sharp blade and my stomach churned.

Oh gods, (Tee hee) was that my blood?

I tried to focus on her forest green eyes and forced my own eyes open.

If I go down, I'll go down bravely.

The Elemental growled lowly, her mouth twisted into a cruel smirk. Her hand came down yet again, this time for the final kill.

The blade was literally milliseconds away from my heart before she miraculously got tossed to the side with a loud and angry cry.

With much struggling, I turned my head to the side to see Logan holding the Nature down in a headlock.

"Lily!" I turned my head back slowly. Daniel was looking at me, his hazel eyes wide with fear. "Holy shit. Hold on, I'm gonna heal you okay?" I opened my mouth a little and a hoarse sound of agreement came out weakly from my throat.

He placed his hands on my wound in my stomach and I hissed in pain, recoiling back further into the ground.

"Almost done..." Daniel murmured soothingly, trying to comfort me. Though it didn't help at all.

The pain was agony. Like if I'd to choose between death and this pain, I'd take the first in a heartbeat.

Logan scurried over and grabbed my hand. "Just squeeze if you need- ow!" I interrupted his sentence by squishing the life and bones out of his hand.

What went on for only a few minutes, seemed like forever to me. The pain slowly diminished and tamed down to a warm tingly feeling. Soft gold light encased my vision as I fluttered my eyes shut, feeling at peace. Finally, Daniel removed his hands and sighed, leaning back tiredly. '"Done."

I let go of Logan's hand and gingerly placed my hand on my stomach. There seemed to only be a tear in my shirt while the wound was gone and I was back to normal.

I sat up slowly, wincing slightly at the pain. "Thanks Daniel," I gave him an exhausted smile. "I owe you one."

He stood up and smiled at me. "Now I've gotta go help the others. You just stay here and recuperate. Logan, mind taking care of her?"

Logan shook his head. "Go help them. We'll be here."

Daniel nodded and ran off, picking up a long dagger from the ground and rejoined the others.

"What's happening?" I asked Logan.

"The others are fighting. A large group of possessed Elementals ambushed us and we're trying to hold them off."

"What?" I exclaimed. "Are we outnumbered?"

Logan hesitated a while and then nodded grimly. "Horribly. It's 3 to 1 right now."

"Well then, why are you sitting here you oaf? Go help them!" I whacked his shoulder.

He shook his head, unaffected by my hit. "If I leave, what will happen to you?"

"I can take care of myself," I retorted indignantly.

"Yeah, I know, but what if someone attacks you? How are you going to defend yourself?"

I stopped. He had a point. Damn it.

I sighed, showing him my disapproval of this current plan. "Can we at least help them? Just stay here and attack from the side?"

Logan, to my surprise, actually started to contemplate my words. "Huh, that's not bad. Yeah, we could do that. We just need a better hiding spot for more protection."

I nodded to some trees at the edge of the clearing not too far away. Logan looked at me then picked me up with a grunt. Carrying me bridal style, he set me down next to a few shrubs so that my body was shielded.

I sat upright, only allowing my head to be visible and my arms to be free. Logan scrambled down next to me on his knees. "The others need help. Come on." He withdrew his arm and faced his palm out. Then, a loud clap of thunder could be heard.

I poked my head up further to see lightning strike the ground between a struggling Maddie and a possessed Elemental, taking the latter off guard. Maddie seized the opportunity and lunged foward, pinning him down and choking him.

"Nice one," I replied whilst shooting a beam of light towards another Elemental, causing him to be temporarily blinded. He dropped his weapon in shock, hands flying up to his eyes as a loud cry escaped his lips. Nearby, Daniel tackled him and they went tumbling down to the ground. He then placed his hand on the Elemental's shoulder and suddenly, he went limp and unconscious.

Logan whistled in admiration, "Energy transferring. Cool. Makes the enemy weaker but yet, transfers your foes' energy to you. Really useful in combat."

He clapped his hands and lightning striked again, this time actually hitting an Elemental whose knife was inches away from Flynn's neck. A blinding flash of cobalt blue light filled the whole clearing as everyone stopped still for a moment.

Once the light finally faded away, the Elemental's clothes were smoking and his whole body was black with soot and ashes. He stumbled backwards and fell like a rag doll.

Everyone's eyes darted around, trying to find the person responsible for the lightning. Noah found us first and he relaxed, seeing that we were safe and sound. He nodded a little and mouthed 'Great job' to us.

I smiled a little as Logan flashed the thumbs-up sign. Suddenly, a piercing roar broke the peaceful silence and loud footsteps were heard. Whipping my head back, I saw the Nature from just now running towards me, those solid green eyes full of hatred.s

Oh shit. My eyes widened. I was injured, still recovering and completely defenceless without a weapon. Logan saw this and threw a dagger at her, but she merely dodged it skillfully and increased her pace towards me, making him lose his only weapon.

As she neared me, a miracle happened. Aurelia charged foward and released a knife at her. Aurelia was much more skilled than Logan, so the Nature had a bit more difficultly sidestepping it. Another blade came and this time, it was blazing with bright flames.

Aurelia threw knife after knife, all set on fire. The Nature now completely stopped in order to not become roasted. The blades, after being narrowly missed by the Nature, extinguished themselves and returned back to Aurelia's belt.

Finally, she flung them altogether, in a humongous fireball, creating a double threat. The Nature had to actually fall to the ground to avoid being burnt and when she got up, the back of her blouse was still charred black.

While she was distracted, Aurelia took the chance and pulling out her sword, jumped on the Nature and caused her to land on the soil heavily.

She then pointed the sharp tip at her neck, "This ends now."


Hi! Hope you all enjoy this longer chappie :)

Guys, I don't want to sound clingy I losing you all? Because there was absolutely no response for the last chapter: No votes or comments at all. Are you guys losing interest in this story? :( Tell me how I can improve to make this more interesting for you okay?

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