Chapter 41

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I could feel everyone's eyes shift from both me and Rachel to just solely me, Ally Dawn Lovett.

"It's somehow come to the point that I'm too shocked to even do anything anymore." I breathed out, dropping back down in the armchair and massaging my temples gingerly, feeling a tremendous migraine coming on.

"Trust me, you say that now, but let's see what'll happen an hour later when the screaming and crying come." Sandon offered.

"Yeah, heads-up guys. Run away while you still can later." I warned. "By the way, I'm seriously not joking when I say this."

"So..." Fayre trailed off. "Round of applause for Thorne's amazing ability to be able to give ground-breaking news so delicately. But, we can all murder him later. Right now, we have more pressing matters to attend to."

"Yes," Thorne sighed. "We're going to have another small yet important history lesson."

The pictures on the screen changed and the Leaders were shown, beaming with pride and standing tall. And in their hands were gemstones, the exact same one Fayre was holding, but in different colours.

"These jewels," Thorne gestured to the screen. "Have an extremely important meaning."

"Not only do they represent acceptance of the throne, but also when you see a Leader holding one, it means that he or she has gone through training and went through a short quest. Oh, and has also receieved their new powers."

"Quest?" Noah asked. "What quest?"

"The gems are hidden away and it is the future Leaders who must find them. At where they seek out the jewel, is where they will also be training with their respective Element Leaders." Thorne explained.

"So, we're supposed to find them now?" Lily questioned.

Thorne nodded. "We will be giving you clues on the location of the jewels."

"The gems magically appear at a different place every time the new Leaders are announced. And only the Leaders know their locations, of course."

"And don't forget," Blanche interjected. "You have to find the gems in no less than 3 days. We will be waiting for you at the spot where the jewel is on the third day, awaiting your arrival."

"So now, without further ado," Thorne snapped his fingers. "Let the quests begin."

Poof. A little envelope appeared in a small cloud of sparkly gold dust and floated right in front of each of our faces at Thorne's command.

"What's this?" Flynn questioned, tentatively reaching out to take the envelope.

"Your clues," Sandon casually leaned back in his throne. "There are still many more to come. Once you figure out the first step, the other envelopes will automatically appear by themselves."

"Okay," Aurelia nodded slowly. "So, can we open them now or...?"

"Sure, be my guest," Thorne shrugged. "This means we have to go too, then. See you in three days and good luck with your quests."

The Leaders stood up and bowed their heads in one smooth, fluid movement. When they looked up, they disappeared in clouds of shimmering gold powder, the same thing the envelopes jad appeared in.

Thorne departed last. Before he left, he looked at all of us in the eye and nodded his head at us. Bowing deeply once more, the gold powder engulfed his body and he was gone in a blink of an eye.

"Well," Logan broke the silence that followed. "That was something I did not expect to hear or see today."

Despite the sombre mood and the cloud of shock hanging over us, I still let out a laugh at his comment, the others chuckling too. It was just so true that I had to laugh. The other alternative would probably be to burst out crying.

"Let's just get this over with," Lily's envelope fell into her lap just as she made a grab for it. Wasting no time, she opened it up and took out a piece of paper.

We all did the same, as crinkling sounds of paper filled the throne room.

I stretched my arm out and my hand came into contact with the smooth placed my index finger under the flap of the envelope and took a deep breath, preparing myself again for more unexpected surprises. Without missing a beat, I pushed the flap up and stuck my hand in. Withdrawing a piece of thick white paper, I traced over the crisp, smooth surface and the fancy, cursive lettering spelling out 'Allison Dawn Lovett - Supreme Leader'.

Flipping it over, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

The others had looked at their papers too and were now exhanging clues.

"It only says which continent we're supposed to go to."


"America? Huh."

"Do they seriously want to send me to Antartica?"

"Wait, you got that? I have that too!" That exclaimation was followed by the loud sound of a high-five.

"Ally?" Flynn's voice broke me out of my trance. The others turned their heads towards me at his voice. "What did you get?"

"Are you okay?" Lily asked, her face full of concern as she placed her hand gently on my shoulder. "You look pretty out of it right now."

"Is it because of the Supreme Leader thing? It was pretty crazy back there so...I honestly don't blame you if you're in a state of shock now." Daniel piped in, shrugging his shoulders.

"No...well I mean, yes, partially because of that, but mostly because of this." I showed them my card, flipping it both sides to let them see.

"Wait, I don't get it," Rachel walked up to me and took the paper. "Why is it blank?"

"Maybe they got influenced by Taylor Swift and they left a blank space there." Logan snickered at his own joke while Noah rolled his eyes and punched him in the arm.

"There's literally nothing. It's empty. How on earth do they expect her to go anywhere without a hint?" Maddie exclaimed.

"Maybe the empty paper is the clue." Logan said, silencing the rest of us.

"Huh, Lightning Boy actually has some brains. That surprisingly makes sense." Aurelia smirked teasingly at him, causing him to stick his tongue out and glare at her.

"For your information, I do have brains. I just prefer not to use them on dumb things like school." He smiled lazily in response.

"Wait...wait a sec..." I threaded my fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp. A million thoughts and ideas raced around my mind. "If there's no clue...then there's nowhere for me to go...what if...what if I'm not supposed to go anywhere? What if I'm just supposed to stay here?"


Nine new envelopes appeared again in front of us.

"That was genius," Flynn admitted as his envelope fell into his waiting palms below. "Let's see where the Leaders are going with this."


Hi everyone, here's the new chapter! If you're following me or have stalked- I mean checked- my profile, I managed to work on this over the week after school and when I was free and stuff. I'm happy that I at least got this posted up before I go back to school tomorrow ew :(

But ugh, I have heats for my school's Sports Day tomorrow and just...gag me please. I'm literally the most unathletic person on Earth but I had to sign up for something *Cries*

So wish me luck for tomorrow (It'd better be over soon) and I'll try not to leave y'all hanging again :) Let me know what you think of this chapter! Comment please 'cause it makes me happy when y'all type some random stuff out :D

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