Chapter 27

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^^^Amanda Seyfried as Roxana Hudson


Class was finally over. I packed all my things into my backpack and swung it over my shoulders. Striding out the door and into the hallway, I heard someone calling ny name. "Ally!"

I turned my head to see Liam Johnson waving at me. I walked towards him, curious to see what he wanted. "Hey," He greeted. "Lilith wanted me to ask you to show her what you guys will be doing in combat class later."

Liam Johnson was a tall teenage guy with short blonde hair and blue eyes that seemed to change colour every time he stood in the sun. I had met him a few times due to Lily being his table mate.

"Oh, what happened to Lily?" I asked, concerned for my friend.

"She suddenly felt sick halfway through class so she had to go to the infirmary and was excused for the rest of the day. Had an upset stomach and threw up in the bathroom. I think she might have gotten food poisioning." He explained.

"Oh, I see. I hope she's okay."

"Yeah, me too. By the way, do you wanna hang out sometime?" Liam smiled at me, his blue eyes turning a pale grey in the light of the hallway.

"Uh..." I hesitated. Liam was a nice guy and all but...he wasn't really my type.

"Sorry but I'm kinda busy these days. Maybe next time?"

He looked a little disappointed but nodded. "Okay then. Bye, Ally."

I nodded and turned around, continuing to the cafeteria. I barely even made it 10 steps before I had to turn back.

Suddenly, a shrilling scream pierced through the air and made the hairs on my body stand up. Goosebumps everywhere, I dropped my backpack to the floor in shock and whipped back around.

Liam was on the floor, screaming his guts out.

His arms were encircled around his head and he was curled up into a ball on the floor. He thrashed around wildly, as though having a seizure. Everyone in the hallway had stopped and some people joined the crowd to see the commotion.

"Make it stop! Make it stop!" He yelled in a tortured, broken voice. I sprinted quickly to his side and tried to pry his arms off. They remained locked in position as I shouted anxiously. "Quick, someone get help! Now!"

A few people ran off to look for a medic. "Liam, can you hear me?" I tried to raise my voice, hoping that he could hear me over his own wailing. He spasmed violently once more, causing me to back away from him.


A scream came yet again, the worst one so far. A chill crawled up my spine as I cowered away in fear.

Liam's arms finally came loose and he raised his head.

His eyes were a horrifying mix of yellow and black, no whites at all.

My eyes widened. Oh my God. He let loose another guttural scream and lunged towards me.

I quickly looked at my surroundings. I was totally caught in between rows and rows of lockers, unable to escape. Unless I charge him.

But even that had only a slim possibility of working. The hallway was long and narrow and Liam had quite long arms, unfortunately.

I tried to work out a solution but before I knew it, two large hands circled my throat tightly, cutting my air supply off.

I choked, eyes bulging and desperate for air. Liam's crazed eyes were level with my own as a deep sounding growl resounded deep from his throat.

"This day will be your last, Allison Lovett."

He squeezed forcefully once more, my neck almost breaking with the force. My vision blurred and black dots swam across my eyes.

Wow, so I was going to die being choked instead of some heroic death. Thanks so much.

Suddenly, someone punched Liam across the face and he released me. I saw Logan tackling Liam on the floor, Noah restraining him and Flynn pinning down his legs while talking to him in a soothing tone.

I slid down to the floor, gasping heavily for air. The skin on my throat felt warm after being pressed so hard. I felt someone at my side speaking softly to me, "Just breathe. You'll be okay, Ally." I turned my head to see Daniel.

He lifted his hand to my forehead and closed his eyes in concentration. A warm feeling washed over me and I relaxed, all the pain going away. I sighed in relief and looked down to see a golden aura surrounding me.

The sensation gradually subsided. I couldn't feel the pain anymore. Standing up gingerly, I turned to Daniel, who was looking a tad bit pale. "Thanks so much. Hey, are you okay though?"

He waved me off. "Yeah, just a little tired. It happens every time I heal someone."

I opened my mouth, probably to say something like 'You can heal? Cool.' before Liam, still on the floor, let out an animalistic cry.

"You. Will. Die!"

He thrashed wildly upwards, the 3 guys barely even able to hold him down. Suddenly, an arm swung down and hit Liam right on his temple, the force of the blow knocking him out cold.

Aurelia stood there with the other girls, her arm extended. "Someone had to do it." She said.

Daniel walked over and crouched down, placing his hand on Liam's forehead. "He's burning up." He observed. Nevertheless, he closed his eyes again and focused on healing Liam.

A warm golden glow surrounded Liam, before dying out shortly. "That's strange." Daniel frowned. He tried again. This time, the gold light merely flickered unsteadily for a few seconds before disappearing.

Daniel stood up. "I can't heal him. But he'll still be unconscious thanks to Aurelia."

Aurelia looked at Liam. "Can't say that's a bad thing, at least."

"Get him to the infirmary then, maybe the nurse can help. Somehow." Rachel suggested.

The boys agreed and hefted Liam up together, Noah and Logan taking his arms while Daniel and Flynn held his legs. They headed off for the infirmary, us girls following them.

Maddie came up to me, "You okay? What happened back there?"

I looked at Liam, dead to the world. "I don't know."


3rd person POV:

"It's started."

The man sat at the end of the table, face shrouded in darkness, partially from the dim lighting and the hood of the black cloak pulled over his head. He sat straight and addressed the others sat with him.

He tapped on a certain spot on the mahogany table and a screen popped up, 8 orbs floating in mid-air. He examined the first sphere at the far left corner. He placed an open palm under it and the orb begun to glow yellow and black.

"Light shall soon be taken over by darkness in just a matter of days."

He watched as the sphere turned black and disintegrated, turning into ash that collected in his open palm.

"It has begun now."


Amanda's so pretty omg. *Heart eyes emoji* Too bad she's used for Roxana of all people. *Spits on Roxana* Lol hating on a fictional that I created. What has the world come to?

Btw, how would you guys feel if I made a new story? I might be separating The Elementals into two books, but I'm not sure yet. If I write this new book, it'll be a completely different plot with new characters. Comment and let me know your opinions! Feedback is always welcome :)

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