Chapter 11

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"Aurelia Lane?" Maddie asked tentatively.

Aurelia raised an eyebrow with a 'no, really?' look.

"Okay, just making sure," Maddie put up her hands like she was surrendering.

Aurelia merely rolled her eyes and looked at each of us. Awkward silence filled the air and the tension was so thick that you could literally cut it with a knife.

"'re a...?" I questioned.

Aurelia lifted up her hand and flashed the orange flame at us.

"Ah," I managed. "That's...awesome..."

She just shrugged and grabbed a suitcase behind her at the door and pulled it to the room furthest from the living room.

"Well, that wasn't weird at all," Rachel stared at Aurelia's door.


"Got it!" I slipped off my flip-flops at the door, the box of pizza in my hands.

"Finally! Took long enough!" Maddie snatched the box out of my hands and opened it, eagerly chewing on a slice. "Ah," she sighed. "You can feel the cheese melt on your tongue."

"Sharing is caring!" Rachel exclaimed, grabbing a piece. Maddie slapped her hand,"Well, I don't care!"

Just then, the sound of a door opening could be heard. Aurelia, fully dressed, emerged and proceeded to the front door. "Hey Aurelia, want some?" I lifted up a slice of the cheesy goodness.

Aurelia didn't even bother turning back and continued walking,"I have plans." Her answer, somewhat vague, was still the first words she had said to us.

"You sure? You don't want any pizza?" I waved the pizza around a little. I mean, who could resist pizza?

Aurelia turned back a little, before pausing. She said a little unconvincingly,"I'm not hungry."

By then, she was already at the door and opening it. "But-"

Slam! She was already out the apartment. All three of us stared disbelievingly at the door.

"Wow, that was nice," Maddie scoffed. "Not the most pleasant person I've met so far," Rachel raised her eyebrows.

I remained silent. Aurelia was acting really strangely. Too...anti-social.


I walked down the corrider at school. I had been excused from class to go to the bathroom. As I walked past the different classrooms, I noticed the sound of something hitting a solid surface. Thud. Thud. Thud.

I followed the sound, curious. I stopped outside a Fire classroom. Peering in, I noticed about fifteen students pressed to the back, their eyes glued to the front of the classroom. The teacher there stood, arms crossed, nodding his head in approval.

My eyes shifted to the front. Aurelia was standing there, with a pile of knives next to her. She grabbed one and lifted her arm, releasing the knife with force. It flew foward like a jet, before hitting the bull's eye on the dartboard hung up on the wall. Thud.

My eyes grew to the size of saucers. There were at least six other knives there, all on the red circle in the middle of the dartboard.

Gradually, all the knives disappeared, next to the others. I stayed frozen, watching Aurelia with awe and reverence. She was so freaking good! How could someone have so much skill? Was it even possible? Apparently, for Aurelia, yes, a little voice in my head sounded.

The teacher cleared his throat,"Well, Ms Lane, looks like you aced your training, again. Since it's lunch soon, you can go off early."

Aurelia nodded and swung her backpack over one shoulder before briskly walking out. I quickly backed away, afraid of being caught.

She shut the door and made her way out. I caught her eye and she gave me a mildy surprised look before she brushed past me.

My gaze strayed over. Everytime I saw her during lunch or after school, she was always headed off to somewhere. Aurelia Lane had a secret, and I had full intentions of finding out what she was hiding.

Hey everyone! Sorry for the super late update. I just have a lot of homework. Whoever's attending school, you'll feel my pain. :'( Enjoy!

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