Chapter 28

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We all watched grimly as the 4 boys laid Liam down on the bed in the infirmary.

"Okay, where's the nurse?" Maddie wondered, hands on hips.

Flynn looked around the pristine and clean infirmary. Seeing no one else other than us, he called out loudly, "Mrs Underwood, are you here? We need your help with something!"

Not long after, a young nurse emerged from another room covered with a thick white curtain. She was in her late twenties or early thirties. Tall and pretty, with a kind face, soft smile and gentle features. Her blue eyes were sparkling and bright, like she knew a lot about the world. There was a kind of aura surrounding her, making her seem wise and caring.

Mrs Underwood walked over to Liam's sleeping figure. "Well, what have we got here?"

Daniel quickly explained everything to her, from Liam strangling me to Aurelia knocking him out. While he was talking, Mrs Underwood busied herself with checking Liam's pulse and checking the machines next to the bed.

"Wow, that sounds really bad. I'll see what's wrong with him." She placed her hand on his forehead and frowned. Murmuring softly under her breath, she opened a wooden cabinet at the other side of the room and pulled out a few things. Mulitple clinking sounds were made as she closed the cabinet and made her way back to us.

Hands full, she carefully set down the glass bottles of many shapes and sizes onto the small bedside table.

"So, tell me," she uncorked a green bottle and sniffed it's contents. "Did he say anything before he, ah, got controlled of sorts?"

Everyone immediately turned their heads to look at me. Gee, thanks for all the support guys. I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Um, no. We just talked and I was about to leave to get some food before he started screaming."

She poured the liquid into another empty glass bottle. "And what did he say to you?"

I watched the grass green liquid fill up the bottle. "Well...he asked me out...and I said no." I scratched my neck, feeling uncomfortable sharing something like this.

"Hm," Mrs Underwood grabbed one more bottle and emptied the deep blue solution into the bottle, all the while contemplating my words.

"I've never seen or heard of anything like this before," She finally declared. Using a spoon, she scooped out some gold powder from a small silver jar and dumped it in with the other contents in the bottle.

"One last ingredient," A drop of yellow liquid went into the mixture. "There, all done. Mind sitting him up please?"

The 4 boys complied and placed their hands under Liam's torso. Pushing him up, they sat him up against the headboard.

Mrs Underwood placed the bottle under his mouth and made him sip it slowly. "Okay, he should wake up soon and be back to normal. Hopefully at least."

She turned around and caught sight of me. "Ah, you too." She quickly added another dash of pale blue liquid and held out the bottle to me. "Here you go."

I took the bottle gingerly with both hands, examining the sloshing mixture inside. "It's a healing elixir. You'll feel a lot better once you drink it." Mrs Underwood said.

I lifted the flask up to my lips and downed the elixir in one gulp. It was warm and tasted sweet, like vanilla, cinnamon, warm milk and honey all in one. A tingling sensation begun on my neck and I looked down to see the bruises slowly fading away. "Thanks," I handed the empty bottle back to Mrs Underwood.

Just then, Liam groaned and his eyes fluttered open. "Wh-what?" Relief washed over all of us to see that they were blue.

"Thank God he's back again." Rachel sighed.

I swear that girl had the ability to jinx everything, because Liam turned rabid once more.

"Oh shit." Her eyes widened with panic.

"Quick! Hold him down!" Noah shouted, already diving down to pin Liam's legs down to the bed.

Logan, Daniel and Flynn followed suit, us girls joining in as well.

Liam snarled like a lion, struggling furiously to break free. His wild eyes darted furiously to each of us, before resting on me again. "You! Die! Now!"

God, why is it always me?

With a burst of energy, he thrashed upwards and his upper body actually lifted half a foot above the bed. "Restrain him! Don't let him get loose!" Aurelia yelled, pressing down harder on his arm and leaving red fingerprints on his skin.

Suddenly, all the life seemed to sap out of Liam and he slumped back down, exhausted. "Please..." He begged helplessly and tiredly. "Help me..." He pleaded to all of us, who were stunned at his actions.

"It's over now...right?" Logan questioned warily. We all let go of his limbs slowly, reluctant to set him free for fear that he would go crazy for the hundredth time.


Liam nearly went mental without his guards stopping him. "Oh for fu" "Shut up and hold him down! Damn it!" I all but screamed in Logan's ear. He winced and went for his head, being closest to the animalistic cries coming from Liam's mouth.


Suddenly, something in the infirmary exploded and a blinding blue light engulfed the whole room. I closed my eyes instinctively and backed behind, dropping to the floor.

The light disappeared and I opened my eyes slowly, taking in the scene around me.

Miraculously, Liam was unconscious again, thankfully. But this time, he somehow got trapped in a cage.

A cage made of water.

That was the insane thing. A cage made out of water. It was basically a huge bubble filled with water and it looked normal from the outside, moving around and shifting shape like any other liquid. But this cage was impenetrable just like a solid titanium shield.

And Mrs Underwood had her arm extended, the blue Water Emblem on her hand striking against her tan skin.

"Well, that was interesting. Now that that's over," She waved her hand at us. "How about we have a chat?"
Hey guys, long time no see! Sorry for the late update, I had a busy week recently. And I had to rewrite this chapter like thrice because Wattpad kept screwing everything up. Urgh. Anyways, enjoy!

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