chappie 19!

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christmas day!
jimin had a childlike personality and yoongi loved that about him. so on christmas day jimin was shaking yoongi to wake up at 7am begging to open presents, areum wasn't even awake yet.
"hyung!!" silence.
yoongi rolled over and groaned. "yes baby?"
"it's christmas!!!"
yoongi sat up and pulled jimin into his lap, kissing the side of his head. jimin was blushing. no matter how long yoongi and jimin have been together the alpha never failed to make his mate blush.

they both finally got up and walked into the living room, where their christmas tree was lit up. jimin went ham with the decorations and it made yoongi smile.

"sit down baby i'll be right back.", yoongi said with a soft smile.
jimin was confused, where was he going? he sat like he was told and continued to ponder. yoongi came back with a stack of presents and jimin's jaw dropped.
"h-hyung.. i thought we agreed on not getting each other too much..", he had tears in his eyes.

yoongi put the presents down on the table in front of the couch and went to his jimin.
"shhh minnie, it's an IOU. i've been working way too much and haven't been looking after you or areum and i'm so, so, sorry honey."

jimin only continued to cry into yoongi's shoulder, he was so lucky.
"hyung i love u so much!!"
the smaller male stopped his tears and gave yoongi the few presents he got him. the omega got his alpha a few pieces of clothes he thought would look nice on the alpha, a few things for his office like a picture of the three of them, and finally a small box. inside it had a gold ring, which had the following engraved on the inside, "you are my home, i love you forever".

yoongi just sat there staring at the ring with tears brimming the corners of his eyes. yoongi never cried.

"oh god hyung i'm sorry if you're disappointed i just thought-"
yoongi quickly but softly placed his lips on his beautiful boyfriends.

"minnie, baby,.. i love it so much, i love all the presents, i love YOU, so so much."
jimins panicked look quickly turned to a giant smile and his eyes disappeared into crescents, he was beaming.

"i'm so glad hyung!! i love u too!"
"now it's my turn.." yoongi handed a present to jimin to open.

yoongi spoiled the fuck out of jimin, to say the least. the elder got him a bunch of new clothes, a nintendo switch (since his baby was working so hard on school), some new makeup since that was a new interest of jimins, a new PHONE, and finally a necklace from Tiffany's. it was a locket in the shape of a dainty heart and on the inside it was a picture of the family, and on the other side it said,
"my precious mate, hyung loves u".

jimin was sobbing all over again.
"h-hyung i cant accept all of this..", his voice was small.
"oh yeah? but i threw away all the receipts jiminie, you gotta keep em all."

the omega threw himself at yoongi and gave him the biggest hug he could muster while saying thank you over and over again. yoongi's smile was huge, his real, gummy smile.

"can you put the necklace on me please?"
yoongi nodded. it looked beautiful on the smaller boy.

it had been about 20 minutes of the couple opening presents and then they heard a small cry. jimin immediately got up and went to areum's crib, yoongi following.

"good morning my little sunshine", jimin said while cooing at the small pup. yoongi already had the bottle ready and handed it to jimin to feed the baby. the elder loved seeing jimin handle their pup, he was so gentle and loving. yoongi could watch him all day.

after she was fed, she needed to be changed. jimin just handed her to yoongi without saying a word. yoongi's fond smile dropped and he just groaned. meanwhile jimin was out in the kitchen and yelled back to him, "merry christmas hyung!!".

the omega made coffee for his mate and a cup of tea for himself. they all went back into the living room and helped areum "open" her presents. it was yoongi holding areum and jimin opening the presents and showing her. she was giggling and was very content.

the baby girl got all kinds of outfits and toys and crib accessories. yoongi had successfully spoiled both of his babies. jimin got areum quite a few things as well. jimin looked at areum and said, "daddy spoiled the both of us, huh?"
she just giggled.

breakfast time! yoongi was a waffles master. he didn't get to make them that often because of work, but when he did jimin was ecstatic. the elder even added strawberries on top.
"thank you, hyung!!"
"it's no problem, baby."

they eat and all enjoyed each other's company. the boys parents both came over in the morning and exchanged gifts and saw areum. it was sweet. and then a little later namjoon, jin, gguk, and taehyung came over to do the same. jin and taehyung were getting baby fever.
"jiminie hyung, areum is beautiful!", tae exclaimed while holding the baby.
"thank you taehyungie!"

taehyung looked to gguk with puppy dog eyes, "i wan one, ggukie."
"not yet, baby..", jeongguk said softly while petting taehyung's hair.

as soon as jin looked at joon, the alpha only shook his head. jin blushed but nodded and turned his attention back to areum, who was is the eldest omegas arms. the baby reached up at jin's nose and his heart melted.

the 6 spent the afternoon together and got takeout for lunch since no one wanted to cook. they marathoned christmas movies and put areum down for naps throughout the day. taehyung and jin were happy to help. it was around 3pm and she needed another one.
"cmon ggukie help me put areum down!"

before the alpha got a chance to speak his omega was pulling him up and dragged him back to her crib.
"okay ggukie hold her like like this!"
he moved the alphas arms so one was supporting her head and the other was supporting her butt. gguk slowly started to rock her gently and she was getting sleepy.

a few minutes later she was asleep in the alphas arms and taehyung took her back and placed her in her crib and tucked her in smoothly. jeongguk was in love with the sight of taehyung with a baby.

the couple walked back into the living room and got back on the couch.
"that was quick", jimin said.
"ggukie lulled her to sleep!", taehyung stated proudly.
gguk just blushed as the rest of the group chuckled.

it was around dinner time and jin went all out cooking a huge feast. they all ate and were completely full. they returned to the couch and lounged until about 8 where everyone was getting tired and was ready to get going. jimin really enjoyed seeing his friends since he wasn't seeing them everyday like he used to.

yoongi was walking them all to the door while jimin has areum in his arms.
"don't be strangers! come over whenever u want 'kay? i miss you guys!"
they all agreed and said goodbye.

yoongi and jimin put areum down to bed and laid in their own bed.
"today was so fun, hyung."
"it was, i missed those fools." jimin hit his arm lightly giggling.

since it was only 8:30 they decided to play mario kart on jimin's new switch. jimin was princess peach and yoongi was yoshi. they played for a while and then put on a movie and cuddled. eventually they were tired enough to go to bed. their first christmas in their new home was a success.

HI! i know it's been such a long time, i'm the worst i know. but this book is almost over! it's hard to believe i started this book over 2 years ago,,, i'm lazy huh.

i plan on having one more fluff chapter and that'll be it! thank u to ANYONE who has read this book. ur funny comments light up my day! thanks for reading!!

-ur author 🥺💖🥺🥺💖

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