chappie 1!

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jimin and taehyung had just started at their new university, one specially equipped for alphas, omegas, and betas. since they were both omegas they decided to room together.
"jiminie do you need help?"
jimin was carrying 2 cardboard boxes and couldn't see where he was going, the poor thing was only 5 feet 6 inches tall.
"n-no taehyungie i got it—"
before he could finish his sentence he walked straight into the bed and dropped the boxes. luckily it only contained clothes and books, no harm came to his stuff.
"you okay?"
"yeah.. i couldn't see over the stupid boxes", he pouted.
"ah it's alright, let's finish unpacking." taehyung smiled at jimin.

namjoon and yoongi were roommates and were staying in the alpha dorms.
"yo joon, it's great to see you!"
"hey hyung! how was your summer?"
"it was great until i had to return to this hell hole."
"hah yeah that's true. mine was great too, i spent most of it with jin."
"not even surprised."
"shut up.."
"anyways i'm starving. dining hall?"
"hell yeah."

-back in jimin and taehyungs dorm-
the two of them were blaring nct while unpacking until they heard a knock.
"tae turn down the music for a second please~"
when jimin opened the door, he didn't expect his childhood friend to be standing there, jin.
"jinnie hyung??"
"jimin!? i didn't know you attended this college! it's great to see you!" he hugged the omega.
"it's great to see you too hyung!!"
"so can i ask you a favor.."
"do you have an extra bed? the school won't let me and joonie room together cause he is an alpha.." he pouted.
"we do have an extra bed!", taehyung chirped in the background.
"oh jin hyung this is my best friend, taehyung!"
"nice to meet you, taehyung.", he smiled.
"likewise!", he returned a boxy smile.
"it's totally cool for you to room with us"
"yah, thank you so much! you'll have to meet namjoon! he's my mate."
"taehyung!" jimin said while jin blushed
"no no, it's okay! he's very nice and charming. you know what, let's all have dinner!"
"food sounds wonderful right now.."
"agreed.", taehyung replied as his stomach growled.
"i'll text joonie now."

jinnie 💕:
hey joonie?
joon ☺️:
yes jin, is everything alright?
jinnie 💕:
yeah i was just wondering if you wanted to grab lunch with me and my roomies? they're first years and wanna meet you
joon ☺️:
aww that sounds like a great idea babe. meet you at south dining hall in 10?
jinnie 💕:
sounds great

"okay yoongi change of plans.."
"we're gonna meet jin and his roomies at south in 10, we should grab jeongguk too, so he can meet them."
"why is he bringing his roomies?"
"apparently i'm famous and they wanna meet me.", he smirked
"in your dreams. they better not be annoying."
"i'm sure they're fine"
"let's hope so."
oh yoongi... sorry this chappie is short, future chappies will be longer. hope you enjoyed :))

his omega(m. yg, p. jm)✔️Where stories live. Discover now