chappie 7!

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the school year was progressing nicely and it was currently november. yoongi has become very overprotective of jimin even though they weren't a couple. if jimin ever needed anything the alpha was right by his side, and honestly jimin loved it. he loved being spoiled by yoongi and wanted to make things official. he just didn't know how to approach the elder about it.

jin and namjoon both had a business lecture currently so taehyung and jeongguk and jimin and yoongi were all at the omega's dorm and were just relaxing. tae was sitting in between gguk's legs while ggukie had his arms around taehyung's waist. gguk has marked him and it was official, they were mates.

jimin had a lot of work he had to do today and by tonight he was exhausted. college was finally catching up to him and it took a toll. he hadn't been eating as well and was lacking sleep. yoongi could see it too, and often brought the boy food while he was studying. and usually if jimin isn't over at yoongi's dorm, yoongi is over at jimin's dorm. jimin found it peaceful to sleep with the alpha, even if it was against the rules. but currently he was so tired he was falling asleep in yoongi's lap.

"hey bubs?"
"you look pretty tired, bed time?" he asked sweetly.
"n-no", he let out a huge yawn, "okay maybe.."
yoongi just chuckled and picked the boy up and put him in his bed.
"goodnight minnie", and he kissed the omegas forehead.
"o-oh goodnight hyung...", in all honestly jimin wanted the alpha to stay with him and sleep. but he didn't want to make a big fuss out of it. it was only 11pm so jimin understood that he might not be tired. so he rolled over and tried his best to sleep.

~about 2 hours later
jimin still hasn't fallen asleep and decided to see if yoongi would come sleep with him.
yoongi turned around within the second and went up to the boy.
"minnie, baby, why are you still awake? is everything okay?" he asked while feeling jimin's forehead to see if he had a fever.
" 'm okay, i just c-couldn't sleep without you.." jimin blushed.
"don't worry jimin, he's heading to bed now, we just wrapped up." jeongguk said as taehyung was getting on his back. "i'm gonna take this little one back to my dorm. goodnight guys."
"goodnight" taehyung sleepily said while on gukks back.
jimin and yoongi just waved.
"i'm sorry minnie, time for bed?"
the omega just nodded.

yoongi felt guilty that he kept his poor baby up and picked him up bridal style and carried him back to bed. yoongi slid under the covers and held jimin close. then jimin turned around to face him.

"yes minnie?"
"w-what are we?"
yoongi didn't know how to answer that question. he clearly loved the younger.
"i'm not sure bubs.."
"okay.." he pouted and just rested his head on yoongi's chest. "i-i love you yoongi hyung."
yoongi tensed up,, he didn't expect jimin to say that. "i love you too minnie", he said it without second thought. it was true.

eventually they went to sleep and woke up at 11am since they stayed up quite late. this time jimin woke up first and just stared at the alpha. he was perfect to jimin. shortly after yoongi woke up.

"morning minnie"
"morning hyung"
yoongi couldn't stop thinking about what jimin said to him last night.

"you okay? you're spacing out hyung."
"oh uh- yeah i'm fine." he smiled at the younger. "breakfast?"
jimin nodded and they were on their way to the dining hall. jimin was craving skin ship and grabbed yoongi's hand and walked closer to him than normal.
"minnie are you alright?"
even jimin didn't know why he was being so clingy. he just shrugged his shoulders.
once they got to the dining hall jimin sat on yoongi's lap. yoongi didn't mind he just thought it was out of character for jimin.

"h-hyung is it hot to you?"
"no, it's actually kind of cold today.. are sure you're okay?"
jimin bursted out in tears, "i-i don't know hyung.."
"okay okay, everything is alright. let's eat a little something and then we can go back and cuddle, yeah?"
jimin nodded and continued to keep his head tucked in yoongi's neck.

on the way back to the dorms yoongi has his hand around jimin's waist again and kept him close, something was obviously off with the omega.

they got back and immediately went to jimin's bed. they both laid down and jimin couldn't stop fidgeting and wanting to be closer to yoongi.

"minnie calm down i'm right here."
something in jimin's mind clicked and he started to grind on the elder's thigh.

omg thank you for 300 reads! i honestly thought this story would flop thank u ❣️
the next chappie will be smut :0
aka his heat
hope u enjoyed ❤️

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