chappie 3!

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the time was currently 2:38 am and jimin was staring at his ceiling. jin and taehyung were fast asleep and he didn't want to bother them. he couldn't stop thinking about dinner.. he was drawn to the elder. he didn't care if yoongi liked him or not, he just wanted yoongi's presence. little did he know yoongi was having the same dilemma.

yoongi was also staring at his ceiling and he couldn't stop thinking of the little pink haired omega whose eyes turned to crescents when he smiled and had the cutest giggle.. "jesus christ yoongi snap out of it.." he said to himself.

eventually the two of them fell asleep and definitely cursed at themselves for staying up so late.

namjoon and jin were naturally early risers so they went to a little cafe not far from campus to get their coffee around 6:30 and came back to wake up everybody else, they were basically a married couple going to wake up their kids.

~~back at the omega dorm

"c'mon jiminie time to wake up..."

"mmmm five more minutes?"

"i mean i guess you could but,, how would you have time to eat your strawberry pancakes that i got you?"

jimin's eyes shot open, his hyung remembered that strawberry pancakes were his favorite. he got dressed in the blink of an eye and was sitting at the small table eating his breakfast.

"okay now time to wake up taehyung.." to jin's surprise he was already awake and brushing his teeth in the bathroom.

"morning hyung"

"good morning.. how come you're actually awake?"

taehyung blushed, "me and ggukie have our eight am class together.."

"oh yeah?" jin smirked. "i brought you back some blueberry pancakes by the way."

"thanks hyung!" taehyung spit out the toothpaste, rinsed his mouth, and sat down to eat with jimin.

~~at the alpha dorm

"ayo bitch wake up already" namjoon said as he threw a pillow at yoongi.

"holy fuck joon, okay okay im awake"

namjoon smiled, he loved messing with his hyung. "i brought you some breakfast too."

"thanks asshole."

the omegas took longer to get ready so the six of them all met up in jin, taehyung, and jimin's dorm. jeongguk was on his way over when namjoon texted him where they all were. the six of them were over and currently waiting for jimin to pick which earrings he wanted to wear, he was very indecisive.

"these.. yeah these are the ones for today!" he smiled

"alright now that we're ALL ready, we should head to class." they all nodded.

yoongi, jimin, taehyung, and jeongguk all had a music seminar, while jin and namjoon had a business and marketing lecture. they went their separate ways and decided to meet up later for lunch.

the music hall was on the other side of campus and so by the time the four got there, there were only a few seats left. two in the front and two in the back. jeongguk sat with taehyung in the back and jimin sat with yoongi in the front.

"alright class settle, settle. welcome to your first music class.. you're getting a project!"

the whole class groaned.

"welcome to college! you'll be working with the person you're sitting next to.. hope you made a good choice. you will have to create a song that is three minutes, any style and genre.. go."

yoongi turned to jimin, "alright minnie can you sing?"

jimin blushed, but nodded.

"great i'll write some lyrics and play the piano, and you just sit there and look pretty and sing, okay?"

"d-don't you want my help hyung?"

"nah don't worry about it, i've written a lot of songs over the summer. i just need to hear you sing and see what your range is and see which one fits best."


"come back to my dorm after class and sing for me, alright?"

"yeah, s-sure." jimin smiled.. and so did yoongi.

~~meanwhile jeongguk and taehyung were just messing around.

"g-gukkie give it back!!" he was laughing too hard while jeongguk was holding tae's phone above his head where tae couldn't reach it and was taking selfies.

"gukkie huh? cute nick name tae tae."

taehyung blushed. gukk finally gave his phone back and decided they should actually try to get some work done.

"wait can i see your phone just one more time?"

"why?" tae asked brows knitted together.

"so i can put my number in and we'll be able to talk, and we'll need it so we can pick times to practice."

"o-oh okay, sure." he handed his phone back to jeongguk.

gukk had taken another selfie and set it as tae's homescreen too, just to be cheeky.

"w-well can i put my number in your phone too?"

"sure, beautiful."

taehyung was pretty much as red as a tomato but took a selfie anyway and also set it as gukk's lock screen.

"here ya go!" he gave gukk's phone back and gukk gave tae's back as well.

"class dismissed!"

they had gotten nothing done that class, but hey at least they got each other's numbers ;) .

meanwhile jimin was a blushing mess following yoongi back to his dorm.

"you okay minnie?"

"mhm!" he was a little behind and ran up to catch up with yoongi.

yoongi just smiled and looked from jimin to straight ahead.

"alright good."


hehehe another chappie, i tried to make it a lil longer! hope u liked it uwu

this is just a filler chapter, the next one should have some cutesy stuff in it ;P

ily :)

his omega(m. yg, p. jm)✔️Where stories live. Discover now