chappie 8! [m]

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yoongi had realized jimin has gone into heat, every omega does. he had been taking suppressants since he got to college so he wouldn't be begging a random alpha to fuck him senselessly.

"j-jimin where are your suppressants?" the alpha asked while the smaller boy was still grinding on yoongi's thigh.

"i-i don't w-want them, ah, yoonie please i want y-you!"
"jimin you'd be saying that to any alpha around here, you're in heat!"
"n-no! yoonie! it's a-always been you! e-ever since i-i sat with you at dinner that one night! we s-sleep together every night for gods sake! y-yoonie please help! i-i love you.." the sexually frustrated omega let a few tears fall as he continued to grind on yoongi.

"okay okay, shhh minnie i'll help you out okay?"
jimin nodded vigorously.

yoongi laid jimin on his back and softly placed his lips on jimins which quickly turned into a heated make out session. jimin pulled away out of breath.

"h-hyung please! it hurts! ngh ~"
"okay don't worry i'm right here.."

yoongi stripped jimin of his shirt and pants and left the omega in his briefs. yoongi ran his hand down jimins chest and stopped right before his straining erection.
"p-please.. daddy!"
oh yoongi has a huge daddy kink. jimin looked so innocent when he said that word.

jimin was so desperate to be touched he didn't even notice the name slipped out of his mouth before it was too late. he smacked a hand over his mouth and was blushing madly.

"that's right baby, daddy's got you."

yoongi started to palm the younger through his underwear before the omega started fussing and just took the briefs off. yoongi pumped jimin's member a few times before he came all over his stomach.

"such a needy baby, hmm all for me, all for daddy."
"mmm daddy i'm all yours! always!"

with hearing that yoongi sunk his teeth into jimin's neck and finally marked him, hell he's been wanting to do that for months.

"p-please daddy..need you!" jimin said while looking at yoongi he was loosing his mind.

"okay baby." yoongi took his own shirt off and pants and boxers in one go.

"oh god that's huge.." jimin said shyly.
"mhm and are you going to be a good omega and take it right?"

jimin has slick pooling at his entrence and it's driving yoongi absolutely crazy. yoongi lifts the omegas legs up and runs his tongue along the boys hole.
"h-daddy!! more!"
yoongi continued to eat the boy out.
"you taste amazing minnie.." jimin was blushing so hard.

the alpha slid two fingers into the boy to test his readiness and jimin let out a very loud moan, and it was music to yoongi's ears. jimin let more tears fall.

he worked the two fingers in and out of the boy before adding a third.

"you ready baby?"
jimin was panting and nodded.
"words baby"
"y-yes oh god yes yoongi please!"
with that yoongi slowly slid himself into the younger and jimin was in bliss. he felt slight pain, but it was fading away.

"s-so full.."
"let me know when i can move minnie."

yoongi started with slow deep thrusts until jimin was getting antsy.
"faster d-daddy please!"
yoongi picked up his pace and started to pound into the younger like there was no tomorrow.
"you like how alpha pounds you with his cock hmm?"
yoongi was about to come and pulled out of jimin and came on his stomach. he wasn't gonna cum inside him, yet.

they lasted a good five rounds before both boys were spent. yoongi got up, much to jimins dismay, to clean him and the younger off. afterwards he cuddled back up with jimin.

"i love you minnie."
jimin turned to face the alpha.
"i love you more hyung."
"would you be my boyfriend?"

jimin smiled bigger than he ever has at that moment.
"of course hyung!" he hugged yoongi and sighed happily. "t-thank you for helping me in heat.."
"it's no problem for my mate."

jimin just smiled and laid his head on yoongi's chest. jimin was so happy that him and yoongi were official and that he was marked!
the two peacefully slept in each other's embrace and were beyond happy.

that is disgusting ^ i'm sorry i'm so bad at smut
hope u enjoyed tho ❤️

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