chappie 5!

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when jimin entered his dorm room it was only jin and he was currently relaxing and watching some tv.
"jiminie where did you get that hoodie?"

jimin was blushing like crazy, he had hoped to just slip past his hyung and go right to his room wanting to avoid questions.
"well, well, well", jin smirked. "why do you have yoongi's hoodie, hm?"
"i was s-shaking and he wanted to help"

jin's smirk disappeared and he got a serious look on his face.
"why? did something happen?"
"t-there were these two alphas..." he started to play with the sweater paws yoongi's oversized sweatshirt gave him.
"and they kept catcalling at me and make gross remarks.. it was awful hyung."

jin frowned , "i'm so sorry chim"
"it's okay though, yoongi protected me and got rid of them.. he growled really loud, it kinda scared me but also made me feel safe.", jimin was one who tended to over share.

"so.. you like yoongi-ah?"
"w-what??! i never said that!"
jin just giggled, "i'm only kidding of course.", no he wasn't ;)
"namjoon and i were going on a date in a few, you gonna be okay?"
"yeah i think so, where are you going?"
"just a little restaurant a few minutes from campus."
"alright! have fun hyung", he smiled.
"thank you chim, i will."

a few minutes later a few soft knocks were heard at the door and jin was finishing getting ready so jimin answered the door.
"hi hyung!" he smiled at namjoon
"hey jimin, how are you?"
" 'm good!"

jin walked out shortly after.
"wow hyung you look so preeetty!" jimin said with sparkling eyes.
"thank you!"
"damn baby" jin was blushing HARD.

"alright jimin we're gonna be going, be safe!"
"i will!" jimin thought it was cute how jin acted like his and basically everyone in the friend groups eomma.

a few hours later jimin was sat lazily watching youtube on his bed and that's when he heard it; thunder. he hated thunder, it terrified him. within 3 minutes it was raining like crazy and the power had gone out. jimin didn't know what to do, jin and taehyung were out and didn't really know about his fear of thunder. he did something he didn't think he'd ever do,,, he called yoongi.

"minnie ? what's wrong bubs?"
"t-the p-power went out a-and i'm s-scared of t-thunder.."

yoongi could hear how scared the poor boy was over the phone and it broke his heart.
"okay don't worry, i'm on my way alright?"
"o-okay hyungie"

the nickname jimin gave yoongi melted his heart and within a minute he was running across campus to go to the omega dorm. if anyone saw yoongi they'd think he was drunk or a crazy person, well maybe he is crazy.. for jimin.

he ran up to jimins door and knocked pretty hard. jimin heard it and got frightened at first and realized it was probably yoongi and forced himself to get up. jimin opened the door and saw a drenched yoongi who was out of breath.

"hyung!", he let yoongi in and crashed his body with a hug.
"shhh it's okay, i'm here, everything is gonna be okay minnie, hyung will protect you.", he said hugging the omega.
"you must be freezing in those clothes."
"yeah but that's okay, i don't think your tiny clothes would fit me."

yoongi was pretty tall standing at 6 foot compared to jimin who was 6 inches shorter and much smaller.
(a/n: yes ik yoongi is actually 5'9 but shhh)

"jin hyung's clothes may fit"
"alright we'll see." he ended up wearing a pair of jin's black joggers and a white sweatshirt and was feeling very warm. while jimin was still pretty scared and just wanted cuddles.

yoongi came out of the bathroom dressed and saw jimin shaking on couch.
"hey jimin it's okay" he sat down next to the shaking boy and put a hand around his waist and moved jimin's bangs out his eyes. jimin moved closer to the older and rested his head in the crook of his neck.

jimin quietly sobbed as his head was leaning on yoongi's chest. he wanted to be closer to the elder.

"hyung?" his voice was small.
"c-can i sit h-here?" he pointed to yoongi's thigh. he gave yoongi the puppy eyes... how could he say no?
"sure minnie go ahead" jimins face lit up and he quickly moved to sit on yoongi's lap and put his face in the crook of his neck again. yoongi just wrapped his arms around his waist again.

"t-thank you yoongi hyung.."
"you're welcome, baby", yoongi was whipped already.

jimin's face blushed even more, if it were possibly, at the pet name.

they stayed like that all night and talked about everything and nothing. jimin even fell asleep on the elder. then yoongi decided to just sleep too. he rolled the pair on their sides, becoming the big spoon and held jimin. he protectively kept his hand around the young boys waist.

when jin and namjoon returned they found them and just cooed. it was the weekend and no one had classes tomorrow, so jin decided to let them be and spent the night at namjoon and yoongi's dorm.

jimin was no longer scared, and yoongi was no longer bored, now that they had each other :)


that sounded like an ending lmao i swear it's not
i hoped you enjoyed this sweet chappie ❤️

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