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after that day in the diner, hoseok has been hanging out with all the boys, and it felt like their group was complete. the boys laughed and carried on when it was just the six of them, but now? they could never stop laughing. jung hoseok made their group even better.

often times the ray of sunshine would watch jimin and taehyung's pups. the little toddlers were now 4 and 5. they hung out all the time and attended the same school. they were super close and even had bff necklaces. one said areum, and the other said sungchul. they were basically inseparable. it reminded yoongi of jimin and taehyung. the two boys were always so close, and still were.

jimin and yoongi's relationship had gotten nothing but stronger. they were doing great as first parents.

in the spring the couple finally had their wedding! jimin was allowed to pick out all the colors and designed it exactly the way he wanted it. he chose three main colors; blush, lilac and creme. it was very soft and very jimin, yoongi loved it.

it was a barn wedding, fairy lights hanging from the ceiling with a magical chandelier right in the center. they had invited and their friends and family and it was an amazing time.

areum was the flower girl, dressed in a creme colored dress, with a blush and lilac flower crown. jimin had a black suit with a blush colored bow tie, and yoongi had a grey suit with a lilac tie. the whole family looked amazing. they had let sungchul be the ring bearer! with the help
of jeongguk and taehyung of course.

the couple said their vows, jimin balling his eyes out and yoongi letting a few tears fall.

"park jimin, i knew from the moment i saw you, i needed to have you in my life. you're such a light, and can brighten anything up, without even trying.. i fell in love so quick.. god i had no idea what happened to me.. you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. i will always be by your side, no matter what. you and areum, i will always be there. you have my word. i love you more than i can describe, minnie. you've made me the happiest man alive.."

jimin was crying a damn river. yoongi was never an emotional person. sure he told the younger how he loved him all the time, but this? this was so sweet and sincere. jimin knew yoongi was the one, and this only convinced him more.

"min yoongi.. gah where do i even start. you've always been so kind and gentle with me, it still makes my heart flutter. we've been through so much together, and i'm glad we went through it together. as corny as it is, you showed me what it's like to be loved, cared for. i heard people talk about you before.. always being calm
and cool, even cold. but with me? nothing but caring and warm. i love you so much and promise to you, that i will never stop loving you."

a/n: (their vows would be longer of course, i just wanted to give you a snip-it of them.)

the crowd was pretty much in tears now, too. the two boys loved each other so much. once their vows were complete, the ceremony continued, then boom! they were married! jimin decided to take elders last name was officially, min jimin. the couple decided to do gold wedding bands. simplistic yet stylish. the gold complemented jimin's honey skin tone, but also brought the warm out in yoongi's milk toned skin.

they had a beautiful chocolate marble cake, with blush and lilac frosting. it was five towers high, areum and sungchul loved it!

a week later they went on a beautiful honey moon to hawaii! jimin had always wanted to go there. it was hard leaving areum behind, but the couple knew she would be in good hands. she would stay with sungchul and his parents for the week. both of the kids were very excited.

while in hawaii the couple relaxed, enjoyed the sunny weather, and ate a lot of delicious food. and of course, had tons and tons of sex.. what were you expecting?? it's a honey moon!

meanwhile back at home, gguk and taehyung watched over areum and sungchul. they behaved most of the time, and didn't have any fights. the two boys felt blessed.

once the newly weds got back from their vacation, life returned to normal. yoongi would go to work at his record label, producing and now recording tracks. and jimin went to his job, as a dance teacher! that's right! jimin loved kids, and loved dancing. so he decided to teach them how to dance! he was damn good at it, too. areum would go to school, and jimin would pick her up at 3. then at around 4:30 yoongi would come home and see his babies.

three weeks after their honey moon, jimin wasn't feeling well. couldnt really keep food down and was having trouble falling asleep. he decided to see a doctor, just to be safe. he tended to overthink things.

he got there and went back to the room, waiting for the doctor. he explained his symptoms and the doctor listened. he ran a pregnancy test.. bingo! jimin was pregnant once again! he was so overjoyed.

min💕: HYUNG
yoongs🧸: what's the matter jimin??
min💕: i have REALLY good news! hurry home when you can!!

once yoongi got home from work he immediately ran up to the omega to ask what his great news was, since the boy refused to tell him over text.

"go get areum!"
yoongi scrambled to get the little girl and just held her as he pressed jimin to go on.

"well.. areum is going to have a sibling!"
yoongi just stood there with his mouth wide open. he was in shock.

"are you serious..?"
"min, that's amazing, you're- oh my god, i'm so happy.."

their baby would be due in early january. this time they will be having a baby boy. they had also planned to move! now that both the boys were working they were able to buy a bigger house. this time having 4 bedrooms, 3 baths.

just when the boys thought life couldn't get any better, it did.

having another baby made both of them so happy, areum too!

ever since jimin got pregnant during his freshman year of college, many people doubted the couple. saying they wouldn't be able to support the baby, or that the couple won't last. they proved them all wrong. they gave areum the best life she could possibly have, and the two boys were even more in love than they were back then. not to mention, now married.

everything turned out just fine, perfect even. and the boys couldn't be happier.

the end!!!

i thought the story needed a better wrap up, so there u go!!
it's now officially over 🥺🥺
so much love to all of u 💕💕💕💕
-ur author

his omega(m. yg, p. jm)✔️Where stories live. Discover now