chappie 20! [m]

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it was christmas night, jeongguk was driving taehyung and himself home. the younger omega was getting sleepy, while gguk couldn't get the image of his mate with a baby out of his head.
"were you serious about having a pup?"
taehyung only nodded.

jeongguk smirked to himself as he drove home.

the couple reached their apartment and jeongguk quickly got out and ran to the passenger side door to wake taehyung up. he left soft butterfly kisses on neck and whispered to him that they had arrived home.

"ggukieeee.. carry me please.." he said while pouting.
"anything for you princess."

the elder opened the door and shut it swiftly, going straight to their bedroom.
he placed taehyung on the bed gently as he loosened his tie. taehyung sat up and looked at him, in awe. watching his hands, as he unbuttoned his shirt, oh he was excited.

jeongguk saw taehyung staring at him and chuckled. "can i help you, dollface?"
he walked closer to the bed and put a hand on the omega's chin making taehyung look up at the him.

tae's cheeks were bright red and he just nodded at his alpha.
"i need words, angel."
"p-please ggukie.." he said with a whine.

gguk stayed in place just looking at his baby. "what a pretty, obedient, boy. strip for me."
taehyung did as he was told and stripped down completely and sat on the bed, waiting for jeongguk.

the alpha stripped his shirt off and sat in his slacks against the headboard, patting his lap. taehyung knew instantly what that meant and seated himself on his mate's strong thighs, where he belonged.

"have you been a good boy, hm?"
"yes what, baby?"
"yes j-jeongguk."

just as the words came out of the alphas mouth, taehyung had slick already pooling at his entrance and jeongguk could feel it.

"what happened.. here?"
jeongguk slid two fingers across his hole as he said this, making taehyung moan in pleasure.

"m-missed your h-hands on me ggukie.."
"such a messy baby, all for me."
gguk wrapped a hand around tae's throat as he started to kiss the younger.
suddenly the elder stuck 2 fingers inside the younger.

jeongguk was quickening his pace and getting the boy ready for him.
"want you n-now please", taehyung begged.
"okay, only because you asked so nicely."

the alpha lifted his mate up and got up quickly to remove his slacks.
"ass up, baby."
taehyung's favorite.

they both got into position, taehyung's ass up and face down, while jeongguk was behind him lining up his member.
"ready baby?"
"y-yes jeongguk."

gguk quickly grabbed some lube and slathered it all over his length, not like he really needed it since taehyung was already so messy. he just didn't wanna hurt the precious boy under him. he slowly pushed in, and made sure the omega was okay before he bottomed out.

"such a good boy, you take me so well taehyungie."
the omega was smiling and only moaned in response. jeongguk started to go quicker, but then slowed down, and started up back again to tease the boy.
"ggukie.. i-i'm- close!"
"not yet, sweets."

jeongguk pulled out and flipped taehyung over on his back and immediately started to pound back into him. taehyung's legs wrapped instinctively around gguk's waist and screamed in pleasure.
"now you can cum, baby."

his speed didn't alter at all as taehyung had come without his member being touched. jeongguk pulled out once more and looked at his baby under him, he was perfect.
"suck.", is all the elder had to say before tae quickly sprung up and wrapped his lips around jeongguk's member. soon after, he released inside the boys mouth and taehyung swallowed the substance like the good boy he was.
"f-fuck taehyung.." he groaned.

they both fell back on the bed and jeongguk became the big spoon. he kissed taehyung's head and wrapped his arms around the youngers waist. not too long after tae started to grind his butt on gguk's crotch.
"someone wants some more, huh?"
"yes please, jeongguk!"
and just like that, without hesitation, jeongguk slid himself all the way back in as they were laying there, making taehyung scream in pleasure.

"you must really want my pup, hm?"
"yes g-ggukie! i-i do!! p-p-please!"
he fastened his pace and started to rub taehyung's member, making him cum again. soon after gguk came inside his beautiful mate.

"t-thank you jeonggukie, i love you."
"i love you more taehyung-ah."

jeongguk got a towel and cleaned them both up quickly before he cuddled his boyfriend and gave him proper aftercare.

after about 10 minutes gguk heard soft snores coming from his mate. he had really just came inside him, he was gonna have a pup, more than likely. he just smiled. he had a stable job, that paid pretty well considering he was a college student, and had been saving for a while. he knew his taehyung wanted a pup. and he would do anything for his taehyung.

he held his mate close and soon escaped to dream land. merry christmas.

lmao hi
i know i said one more chappie,,, i lied
i wanted to give y'all a taegguk smut scene ;) it was bad ik
one more sweet chappie left!!
love u ❤️❤️

his omega(m. yg, p. jm)✔️Where stories live. Discover now