chappie 4!

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jimin basically followed yoongi back to his dorm like a lost lil puppy, and occasionally stared at his face smiling. luckily yoongi didn't really notice, even if he did he wouldn't say anything. it was about a 15 minute walk from the music hall to the alpha dorm and they were almost there when yoongi heard a whimper from jimin and he immediately turned to the younger.

"what's wrong minnie?"
"t-there are t-two alphas who k-keep staring at me hyung.."

there were indeed two alphas behind the pair but they weren't just staring, oh no they were eye fucking the poor omega, as if he was just a piece of meat. they were making disgusting gestures at jimin and relentlessly whistled at him. they went as far as to mouth "mine" and "slut" at him while growling. and jimin was absolutely terrified. yoongi wanted to slap the stupid smirks they had on their faces and make them eat the ground. he knew he would get in trouble but they were messing with jimin... he didn't know why he felt so attached to the smaller boy but he just brushed it off.

"c'mon it's okay i got you", yoongi said as he wrapped his arm around jimin's shoulder.
"t-thank you hyung", jimin cowered into yoongi's side and got a big whiff of his natural scent and he absolutely loved it; pine and cinnamon. he thought it was a nice contrast from his vanilla and berry like scent.

they finally got back to yoongi's dorm and jimin was still pretty shaken up. he was scared and cold. it's common knowledge that when an alpha growls omegas usually submit and get frightened so yoongi tried to cheer the poor boy up. he gave jimin his black hoodie that had the word "DAMN" on it.

"here jimin, put this on for me. i don't like seeing you upset.", he offered a soft smile.

jimin just nodded and put the sweatshirt on. it was at least two sizes too big and hung off his frame.. but he liked it, and liked being surrounded by yoongi's scent.
even tho jimin had the hoodie on he was still shaking. it was obvious the alpha was bad at comforting people.

"look jimin im not good at making people feel better.. obviously.."
jimin giggled, and yoongi smiled and then did something he never did, he gave the omega a hug. he held his arms open wide and jimin crashed his body into his chest making yoongi wobble. they had hugged for a good twenty seconds. when they pulled apart yoongi was smiling like an idiot and jimin was red as a strawberry.

"feeling better?"
"yes hyung~. let's sing!"
"haha okay. sing your favorite song.. or any song actually."

jimin nodded and started to sing "new rules" by dua lipa and yoongi was shook..
"he sounds like an angel.." he thought to himself.

"woah minnie that was amazing.."
"thank you!",he smiled so big his eyes turned to crescents again.
"i wrote two songs that i think would sound great with your vocal range."

the pair test ran the two songs and decided to go with a song called "serendipity". they worked about until twelve in the afternoon. jimin's stomach growled.

"hyung i think i'm hungry", he pouted.
"well it is lunchtime.. wanna go grab some food from south?" (a/n: the dining hall)
jimin's eyes lit up. "yeah sure!"

when they left yoongi's dorm the same two alphas were still outside lighting up cigarettes. this time yoongi wrapped his hand around jimin's waist in a more protective and possessive way. jimin kept his head low and curled into yoongi's side again. the alphas whistled and cat called and yoongi shot them a glare and growled, loud. it terrified jimin and he whimpered. once they arrived to the dining hall yoongi apologized and sat with jimin and ate.

"i'm sorry i growled so loud.."
"i-it's okay hyung", he smiled at the alpha.
the rest of lunch was filled with small talk here and there and yoongi trying to make the omega laugh and sucked at it miserably. they had finished lunch.

"want me to walk you back minnie?"
"yes please~"
and they did just that. yoongi walked him to the omegas dorms which was on the other side of campus and pretty far from the alpha dorms. they had reached jimin's door.
"oh hyung, don't you want your hoodie back?"
"nah it's okay you keep it", jimin blushed.
"o-oh okay, thanks for walking me back"
"of course." yoongi was about to turn and leave but jimin hugged him.. he hugged him back, duh. after that yoongi turned and left and jimin entered his dorm a blushing mess.

"hey jiminie where did you get that hoodie from?"

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i finally updated oof. sorry i've been away i have midterms this week and have been studying like crazy!

thanks for reading hope you enjoyed! ❤️

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