chappie 18!

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yoongi and jimin had brought areum home a little over 3 months ago and it was nearing christmas time. the couple pretty much knew that they would get one present from each other and the rest would go to their babygirl. jimin was relieved that he was on winter break from school, keeping up with his assignments and taking care of a baby were 2 very daunting tasks.

of course yoongi would help out and watch the baby as well. whenever he had the opportunity to work from home he would. jimin was visibly stressed and the elder wanted to help in anyway possible, and that included hiding his own stress.

working at a popular record label wasn't the easiest thing. his employer expected great things from him and if he couldn't meet those standards? well he doesn't even want to think about that. so he works his butt off to make sure his tracks are perfect. sometimes he would skip meals or work extra late, which made jimin upset.

tonight was one of those nights. yoongi had gone in at 8 am and it was currently 8pm. he had some crackers around lunch time and that was it. jimin was getting worried about why he wasn't back home yet and decided to call.
"yes jimin?"
"where the hell are you??? it's been 12 hours since you left!!"
"oh.. has it?"
"YES!! i understand that you need to get your work done but this is just ridiculous!"
"minnie- i- i'm sorry. i'm on the way home now- i- i'm sorry.", his voice was low.
"it's okay hyung.. i love you."
"i love you too, baby."

yoongi was finally headed home. on the way out he ran into his boss.
"yoongi.. you're still here?"
"aha, yeah got wrapped up in my work i suppose.."
"hm well your dedication is admirable. but christmas is right around the corner, go home and spend it with your family. don't come back until after new years! and i mean it!", he said with a chuckle.
"thank you sir, i won't."
maybe the label wasn't being super hard on him, maybe he was just being too hard on himself.

they bid their goodbyes and yoongi was on his way. he was happy that he was allowed to stay home for a few weeks and spend it with his two babies.

after a 20 minute drive home yoongi was finally home and jimin opened the door for him.
"hyung..", jimin said breathily as he hugged his alpha.
"hey min, i'm really sorry i stayed late, it was a dumb mistake and i promise i won't do it anymore.."
"good, you better not, me and areum missed you so much."
yoongi only smiled as he kissed his mates head.

once he finally made it inside the door jimin handed him their baby.
"aww look she hyung she missed you!"
areum was grabbing yoongi's cheeks and giggling with drool dribbling down her chin.
"who's daddy's girl? hm?", he asked as he softly bounced her and she continued to giggle.

he walked the two of them into the kitchen where he saw jimin fixing him a plate of food. the younger cared about him so much. he was so lucky.
"minnie, you take such good care of me.. even when i'm stupid, i'm so in love.."
"hyung i love you too!"
areum was giggling, and yoongi hugged his mate with his free arm.

jimin took her back while yoongi started to eat the delicious food in front of him. they were sitting at the table, areum on jimins lap and yoongi shoveling food into his mouth. areum started to fuss and cried that cry. not the hungry cry, not the tired cry, the dirty diaper cry.
"someone needs a change.."
yoongi nodded with noodles hanging out of his mouth.

jimin carried her to her room and placed her on the changing table.
"okay let's see the damage little one..
oh god-"
he discarded the diaper, cleaned her up and powdered her up and started to put the new diaper on. in the process he felt yoongi wrap his hands around his waist and tuck his head into the omegas neck.
"hi alpha"
"mmmm that food was so good minnie."
"good. i'm glad you liked it.", he was beaming.

"jiminie come cuddle meeee.."
"hold on hyung i need to put areum down to sleep."

yoongi finally let go and picked areum and rocked her gently in his arms and kissed her forehead and she immediately got sleepy.
"how do you do that?", jimin pouted. he could never get her to sleep that quick.
"just a gift, i guess.", he chuckled.
he laid the baby down and jimin also kissed her forehead and she was asleep in seconds.

"nowwww can we cuddleeee?", yoongi gave jimin the puppy eyes.
"okay okay hyung come on."
yoongi smiled and let jimin drag him to the couch. yoongi sat down and jimin followed, leaning into yoongi's chest, as the elder had his arm wrapped around the omegas shoulders. jimin grabbed one of many blankets and put it around the two.
"hey min i got some good news.."
the younger piped up, "what is it hyung?"
"i don't have to go back to work until after new years."
"are you serious??!"
"thank goodness, i missed you being home, areum did too."
"i know baby, i missed you too.."

they continued to cuddle and watch some tv until about 11pm and decided it was time for bed. they basically got up from the couch, brushed their teeth and got ready for bed, and went right back to cuddling. both were fast asleep in no time.

jimin was happy he was off for winter break, yoongi was ecstatic he didn't have to go back to work for a while, areum was happy and healthy and christmas was around the corner, life was good for the family.


another chapter :) it feels weird to write about christmas rn lmao
hope u liked it :)💖

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