chappie 10! [m]

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hehe a lil time skip cause ur author sucks  :')

yoongi has been pampering jimin for the last week to make up for what happened at the diner. he was basically jimin's personal assistant and joon or gguk had never seen yoongi so whipped.

currently jimin was in one of yoongi's button down shirts and briefs, only briefs..
yoongi turned around and didn't expect to see jimin in his shirt, half naked.
"oh baby, you really are testing me.."
"please daddy, i need your hands on me, only y-your hands, please.."

jimin let out the saddest whimper imaginable and it absolutely broke yoongi's heart. ever since that day jimin has been clinging to yoongi more than usual, understandably of course.
"don't worry my pretty baby, you're all mine, no one is touching my minnie, ever."

at those words jimin jumped into yoongi's arms and dragged him down onto his bed and started attacking his neck with his mouth. yoongi flipped the
pair over so jimin was sitting perfectly on the alphas lap. yoongi brought jimin's face to his and took his lips in sweet, yet hungry kiss. they loved each other so much, it was probably unhealthy.

"daddy.. please.. i-i.." jimin was a babbling mess.
"shh, pretty baby i'm not going anywhere."
jimin was so grateful for his hyung.. his daddy. and at the moment yoongi's baby had to be taken care of, and that's exactly what he was gonna do.

"minnie, you look absolutely adorable in my shirt, but i'd prefer if it were off, darling."
jimin wasted no time and threw the shirt on the ground, along with the briefs. once removed yoongi could see all the marks he left on jimin throughout the week.
"what a pretty baby, all for me.."
"please.. daddy please."
"please what angel face?"
"t-touch me p-please.."

yoongi didn't have to be told twice.
"okay baby, daddy is gonna take care of you, and make you feel so good."
jimin nodded frantically.

yoongi left soft butterfly kisses from jimin's neck down to his thighs. the omega was letting out soft moans while running his fingers through the elders hair.

jimin had slick pooling at his entrance and was embarrassed that he was so wet just from yoongi's foreplay.

"look at that beautiful, gorgeous, sticky mess all for me."
jimin blushed and let out a scream when
yoongi's tongue lapped over his hole, "AH! h-hyung ah! d-daddy m-more!! a-ahh! f-feels so g-good ah! p-pleas m-more ah!"
"you taste so sweet minnie.."
jimin absolutely lost it when yoongi started to suck on his hole as well.
"DADDY!!!! i-i'm so c-close PLEASE ah! ah! ah!"
yoongi had started to stroke jimin's member at the same time and them omega came all over yoongi's hand.
"t-thank you so much.."
jimin fell onto the bed on his stomach until yoongi flipped him over onto his back and stuck 2 digits into his puckering hole.
everytime yoongi thrusted his fingers in and out jimin would moan another "oh" or "ah" and he loved it.

"are you ready baby?"
"y-yes please!"
"good boy.."
yoongi went to grab a condom but jimin placed his hand on the alphas wrist, "c-can we.. without i-it.. please?"
who was yoongi to say no?
"sure baby, anything for you sweets."
yoongi took his member out and slowly thrusted into jimin.
"you alright minnie?"
"y-yes daddy.."

yoongi started to pick up the pace and jimin was in bliss, his thrusts were fast and deep, hitting the omegas prostate every time.
"a-ah! d-d-d-daddy!!" jimin was about to say how close he was but an orgasm over took him and left him a blubbering mess.
yoongi didn't falter his movements at all, he sped up.
"a-alpha! pl-please!"
"want me to breed you baby? hm?"
the alpha finally released inside of jimin
and fell on top of the omega.

"yes baby?"
"i l-love you so much"
"i love you more minnie"
they both smiled and stayed in bed contently.

jimin went to stand and immediately regretted it, "ow..". he pouted.
"sorry baby, you just felt so, so good."
" 's okay yoonie.."
yoongi cleaned the two of them up and gave jimin another hoodie. they were both very exhausted by the end of this and decided to sleep. yoongi being the big spoon and had his arms wrapped around jimin's waist. jimin snuggled closer to his alpha and fell asleep in a blink of an eye.

yeah uhhh i hope u don't mind another awful smut scene :')

btw would anyone be down to read an instagram au type of thing if i wrote one?

adios! ❤️

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