chappie 12!

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jimin was pacing back and forth waiting for the alpha to return. how would he react? would he happy? mad? disappointed?

jimin was taken away from his thoughts when he heard keys turning in the door, yoongi's home.
jimin was so scared he contemplated running and hiding but the small omega didn't have enough time, before he knew it the door was opening.

"minnie i'm home" jimin jumped at the sweet voice of his boyfriend.
"h-hyung! uh w-welcome home! how'd it g-go?"
"baby what's wrong? why are you so jumpy?" yoongi had walked towards jimin and rubbed his shoulder, which also made jimin flinch. up close he could tell jimin had some tears in his eyes.
"baby what's going on?"
"n-no i w-wanna hear your news... f-f-first.." at this point jimin had let out an ugly sob and covered his face while yoongi gave him the most sincere hug he could.
"minnie, baby, please tell me what's got you so worked up."
jimin didn't say a word and only took the three pregnancy tests out of his hoodie pocket and pulled away from yoongi and gave them to him.
"i'm s-sorry alpha.. i-i know we're still v-very young and we d-don't have jobs or a way to s-support a baby-"
"y-your pregnant minnie?"
jimin hung his head low and nodded.
the alpha cupped the omegas cheeks and gave him a gentle peck.
"baby i'm so happy.." now yoongi had some tears in his eyes.
"b-but we're still in college hyung.."
"would you like to hear my news?"
jimin smiled and nodded.
"they liked my songs.. a lot. even offered me a job as a producer. i'll be working with famous people baby. and you know what?"
"i have enough credits to graduate this year, in may. so i took their offer. i'll start in june."
"hyung, oh my god hyung that's amazing!" the omega gave the alpha a hug.
"thank you sweets, and now i will be able to support you and our pup."
jimin smile was huge.. everything was going to be okay.
"and i know you are still a first year so i'll get us a house near campus or you could do online classes, which ever you would like so you can get your degree."
"oh hyung i love you so much!"
"i love you too minnie. so how far along are you?"
"i d-don't know actually"
"hm, could i take you to the doctors to find out?"
"yes please!"
"oh jimin your cuteness really is going to kill me one day little one."
jimin just giggled.

the couple got ready, well yoongi was already dressed he was just waiting for jimin to clean himself up a little bit.

"okay yoongi hyung i'm ready!"
"you look beautiful, let's go."

they got a taxi to the nearest doctors office and sat in the waiting room.
"hyung, do you think it's a boy or a girl?"
"hm, i don't know minnie. i'd love to have a little baby girl but a boy would be just as wonderful."
jimin smiled at that.

"mr. min?" a nurse practitioner called.
yoongi and jimin stood up while holding hands, the lady smiling at them.
"right this way. so you're here for an ultrasound right?"
"mhm!" jimin was more than excited.
"alright! lift your shirt please."
jimin followed her directions and when the nurse applied the cold serum he squealed.
yoongi chuckled, "you're okay babe."
jimin made a grabby hand at yoongi and held the elders hand, it was a big moment for the both of them.

"well mr. park it seems that you're about 6 weeks pregnant." she smiled.
jimin got more tears in his eyes and smiled up at yoongi. yoongi pecked him on the cheek.

"well since it's december and you're about a month and half the pregnant the baby should be here by end of august early september boys."
"wow, thank you so much, i cant believe i'm gonna be a momma.."
"and it's still too early to tell the gender of the baby right now, but you will be able to find out soon."

the nurse had taken the serum off him and the pair were walking hand in hand around seoul, deciding not to go back to school right away.

it was around 6pm and the sky had gone dark, the bright lights of the city illuminating their faces. yoongi had a hand around the babes waist while he was snuggling up the alpha.

"want some dinner bubs?"
"yes please yoonie, i think the baby is hungry."
"alright darling"

they stopped at a steak house and enjoyed their scrumptious meal and enjoyed each other's company. they walked their dinner off and then decided to head back to campus since it was getting late.

they flagged down a taxi and once they got in jimin laid his head on yoongi's shoulder and was beginning to doze off. everything was going to be okay, their baby was going to okay, and the two of them would be okay. jimin was content and and unbelievably happy.

~finally back at school
"minnie come on wake up, we're back baby"
"o- *yawn* okay yoonie"
yoongi pretty much kept jimin standing up as they walked back to yoongi's dorm.

jimin didn't even bother changing, just took off his uncomfortable jeans. yoongi had quickly undressed from his suit and got some plaid pj bottoms and went to bed shirtless.

once jimin felt the bed dip he immediately cuddled up to the alpha and fell asleep with his and yoongi's baby on his mind.
"good night minnie.. i love you and our pup." the elder kissed the crown of jimin's head and wrapped his arms around him.
today was amazing.

oof i'm sorry
hope u like it :') ♥️♥️

his omega(m. yg, p. jm)✔️Where stories live. Discover now