chappie 6!

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jimin and yoongi slept on the old couch all night. it wasn't comfortable but it wasn't uncomfortable, and yoongi honestly didn't mind since he was with the younger. it was around 3am and jimin stirred in his sleep. he lifted his head from yoongi's neck and realized he was cuddled up with the alpha. he quickly looked at the elder sleeping.

cute. is all jimin could think before he fell back asleep in the alpha's strong arms.

then about an hour later yoongi stirred in his sleep. he opened his eyes and saw the smaller omega with his head curled up into chest. jimin's face dangerously close to his own. yoongi had his own hands still wrapped around jimin's waist and just sighed. he hugged the younger a little bit tighter and rested his head on jimin's. he then went back to sleep as well.

when the 2 finally woke up it was around 10am. jimin woke up to yoongi running his hands through his hair.
"g-good morning hyung", he suddenly got very shy and hid his face in yoongi's chest.
"good morning minnie, you okay?"
"yeah,, it's just thunder really scares me,, i'm s-sorry you had to run across campus in the rain and spend the night here.."
he was playing with his hands, not wanting to look yoongi in the eyes.
yoongi lifted jimin's chin so he would be looking at him.
"minnie listen to me, if you ever need anything call me, okay? i want to
help you whenever you need it." he looked jimin right in the eyes when he said this.
"o-okay hyung" jimin's smile was huge and he gave the alpha a bone crushing hug.

it had only been about a week of the boys knowing each other's existence but they felt like they've known each other forever.

once the boys finally got up they decided to get breakfast from the dining hall.

"yoonie hyung?"
"can i please, please, please, have a piggy back ride?"

the elder just looked at him.
"wait for real..?"

jimin has a very child like personality and was self conscious about it at times. he felt embarrassed, what 19 year old asks for a piggy back ride? he could feel tears brimming his eyes.

"n-no no!! i was only kidding!!!", he forced out the fake laugh.

"minnie, hyung would love to give you one, c'mere."
jimin's eyes lit up and he was giggling as he jumped on the elders back.

"wow hyung, you're so tall! i love this!"
"i'm flag you're happy bubs, it makes me happy too.."
the alpha gave a slight squeeze to the youngers thighs making him giggle some

once they got their food they sat down and just enjoyed each other's company.

~~meanwhile at jeongguk's dorm
the night before taehyung and gguk played video games for hours and taehyung eventually fell asleep on gukk's shoulder.
"aww", he thought to himself as he lifted taehyung off the couch and into his warm bed. jeongguk was pretty sure that taehyung was his mate. they were drawn to each other instantly and he thought tae was the prettiest thing he had ever seen. as of right now him and the younger were just friends, and friends don't cuddle together in bed so he went back to the couch. then he heard a half asleep taehyung call for him.

he immediately went back to the younger.
"yes taehyung?" he sat on the edge of the bed.
"why'd you leave? i missed your warmth.." he pouted while his eyes flashed gold. jeongguk smiled.
"i'm sorry love, you looked so tired i thought i should just put you to bed."
"nono 's okay gukkie" he said while hugging the alphas built chest. "stay please".
gukk just chuckled, "alright i'm not going anywhere little one." he slid under the covers becoming the big spoon while holding tae.
"mmm goodnight ggukie"
"goodnight tae baby."

the next morning
taehyung yawned and stretched and turned around to face jeongguk. the alpha looked so peaceful while sleeping, tae kissed his nose and blushed.

gguk's eyes opened afterwards
"good morning taehyung"
"g-good morning ggukie"
"did you sleep well pup?"
"mhm!" taehyung curled back up to jeongguk's side.
"d-do you ever think about your m-mate?"
gukk cupped taehyung's face, "everyday."
"yes love?", the alpha chuckled at the omegas repetition.
"c-can i give you a kiss?", he was playing with his hands when he asked.
jeongguk sat up and grabbed taehyung to place him on his lap.
"go ahead."

taehyung gave him a little peck and blushed a royal pink color, and dipped his head into gukkie's neck.

"t-that w-was nice" he mumbled.

"my turn." taehyung lifted his head again and looked at jeongguk, who cupped his cheeks again and gave him a real kiss. not a heated or desperate kiss, a sweet kiss, to show taehyung that he wanted him.

"ggukie, i think i've found my mate.."

eek slightly shorter chappie
hehe taekook
hope you enjoyed this fluff ❤️

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